Oklahomans from across the state the celebrated yesterday's eclipse in many different ways. Mary Fallin, who is a fan of irony, watched the cosmic event with students and teachers from the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics.
Such a memorable event viewing the solar eclipse with the students and teachers of @OSSMedu. #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/5SDYv9wEP4
— Governor Mary Fallin (@GovMaryFallin) August 21, 2017
That's cool. Watching the eclipse with the Governor will be a nice memory for those kids to share when they graduate and leave the state for better opportunities.
2018 Oklahoma Gubernatorial Candidate (and TLO fan) Joe Exotic celebrated the eclipse in his own unique way – he tweeted a video of balls blocking out the sun. Check it out after the jump, but please remember, what you're about to see cannot be unseen. You may want to wear eclipse glasses or watch it through a pinhole viewer to be safe:
The eclipse from a political view. Lol. Lighten up life is to short to not laugh pic.twitter.com/bdph21JkfS
— Joe Exotic (@joe_exotic) August 21, 2017
See what I mean? Thank god Damon Lane doesn't follow Joe, otherwise that would have been another awkward RT.
Anyway , I would like to unequivocally state that I was not able to verify whether or not those were Joe Exotic's testicles. They could be fake or belong to one of his tigers or lovers or both. I guess we'll never know for sure. I've watched the clip once and that's enough. If I want to take a look at Joe's nuts, I'll just go to his website:

Although we haven't given an official endorsement, I still support Joe Exotic's run for Governor in 2018. His ballsack eclipse tweet doesn't change that. Call me crazy, but I think Oklahoma is at the point where only an openly gay, Libertarian, pot-smoking tiger zoo owner who sings country music songs and tweets his balls during his eclipse can save us. Help us Joe Exotic. You're our only hope!