The lady pictured above is Clara Aguirre. According to this amusing KFOR report, she attempted to rob a Braum's with a hammer.
Police say a metro woman used a hammer to rob a Braum's on the city's southwest side Sunday.
“About 10 o’clock this morning, a female wearing a Batman T-shirt came into the Braum’s here at Grand and South Penn," said Lt. Jeff Spruill with the Oklahoma City Police Department.
Police say the suspect, 26-year-old Clara Aguirre, pulled out a hammer but it didn't seem to frighten anyone. So, she kicked it up a notch.
“She ended up smashing the screen, the credit card holder, and then tried to run away with the cash register before she was able to break it open," said Spruill.
Police say an employee tried to block Aguirre with a trash can.
Wait a second. They have trash cans at Braum's? That's good to know. I always thought you were supposed to leave your trash and tray on the table like everyone else. What's next? Napkins at tables?
Afterwards, Aguirre spotted someone watching her through the drive-thru window.
"She lunged at the drive-thru window to yell at the customers and ended up breaking out the window of the drive-thru with the hammer," said Spruill.
That's funny. Imagine waiting in the drive-thru at Braum's for your third-pound... errrr... quarter-pound cheeseburger and some woman charges up to the drive-thru window, breaks it out with a hammer, and then screams at you. Typical day at Braums's, right? They probably figured it was just a manager who needed help fixing the frozen yogurt machine.
Anyway, you can watch the entire story below. The lady was eventually caught and arrested. KFOR even went to a local apartment complex to get the Trump-supporter-on-the-street point of view. It's worth a look: