Time to set your DVRs... and then promptly burn them.
The world premiere of "Sweet Home Oklahoma," the new Bravo! series about a group of affluent, annoying Nichols Hills residents who defy traditional Oklahoma stereotypes by reinforcing the stereotypes of soap opera-style reality television, airs tonight at 9:00 p.m.
According to Bravo! PR folks, Sweet Home Oklahoma is a "lighthearted new reality series that follows the shenanigans of four rebellious friends who get a kick out of challenging the conventions of their conservative Bible Belt society." Naturally, they challenge these conventions by stopping by the Power House and rebelliously ordering ice tea...

Seriously, that's how the show begins. The three matriarchs go to the Power House, and then Toots or Pumps or whatever they call her (a.k.a. The Obnoxious Loud One) orders an iced tea. The only problem is the Power House doesn't serve iced tea, so she goes to her car and grabs one!!! Yes, she literally had a styrofoam cup of iced tea in the car! LULZ that's funny! You see, Toots or Pumps is just is your typical Oklahoma gal who loves iced tea and always has one nearby! Oklahoma stereotype defied!
Bravo! posted a 10 minute preview of the show on Facebook last week. If you feel like putting your brain through some Guantanamo Bay level torture, check it out:
It’s time to head down south with this extended first look at Bravo's new series, #SweetHomeOklahoma! Don’t miss the hilarious premiere March 20 @ 10/9c.
Posted by Sweet Home Oklahoma on Monday, March 13, 2017
I actually watched all 10 minutes of the preview. My favorite part is when the producers spliced in some "man on the street" interviews with "real" Oklahomans to get their opinions on exercise. They talked to this father and son, who bragged about how we like to "exercise" our second amendment rights:

These grandmas explained how Oklahomans like to "exercise" to the bar...

And this man apparently explained how Oklahomans like to exercise their right to not buy healthy foods like bananas...

Back when we first wrote about the show, I expressed my fear it would "help support the negative stereotypes people have about this state." Well, I guess it's good to see my fears were realized!
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not in this show's target demographic. I think the last Bravo! show I watched was Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and that was only because I thought it would help me land chicks. I don't want to give it more attention than it deserves.
That being said, I know there are millions of people out there who enjoy watching these mindless, boring, formulaic reality shows in between changing diapers and studying for the GED, otherwise these shows wouldn't be made. If you're one of those people, I have some good news. Our new reality TV expert Ryan Drake will be providing recaps of the series on TLO! Well, at least he will for a couple of weeks before he flakes out.
Also, just like last time, if you have any dirt on the characters, let us know. So far, all I've learned is that Pump's ex-husband is this guy. He goes by the nickname Spanky. Their $400,000+ Nichols Hills home was foreclosed in 2015, which kind of makes me wonder what's going on with this show. I thought they were supposed to challenge the conventions of Oklahoma's conservative Bible Belt society... not reinforce them.