If I had to rank my 25 favorite TLO advertisers, Noble McIntyre and the team at McIntyre Law Firm would be in the top 10.
“Sure, Patrick. You say that about every advertiser! They pay you.”
Yeah, some of them do, but this is the truth. Here are three reasons why:
1. Noble fights hard for his clients.
2. Noble gives back to the community.
3. We poked fun at Noble’s expense in an article and he still advertised with us!
“1” & “2” are pretty standard for any branded content article you’ll see on the Internet, but “3” is pretty unique.
Way back in December of 2011, some bandits broke into Noble’s offices and stole a bunch of valuable autographed sports memorabilia. Noble’s sister, Kirsten McIntyre, did a story on the robbery for News 9. Here’s what I had to say about it:
What a sad sad story. Mary Fallin should probably activate the National Guard and get a statewide search party organized immediately. In the meantime, maybe we can see if Goodwill or the Salvation Army has any expensive autographed sports memorabilia they can donate to McIntyre Law Firm. That will at least give all the attorneys something to masturbate to while they search for another autographed Sam Bradford jersey.
Yeah, I wrote that about the guy and he still bought an ad with us. I guess he values the smarts, intelligence and injury likelihood of our readers!
When we pitched Noble to hitch a ride on the TLO Ad Club, I forgot the article even existed. I’ve written about 3,500 posts on this site over the last 9.5 years, and although you may think I’m a genius, I can’t remember everything about them.
After Noble reminded us, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Was he going to light our contract on fire with a burning roll of $100 bills? Was he going to sue us like a diabolical weatherman?? Was he going to force me to hire his sister as our new fashion writer??? Fortunately, none of those things happened. As it turns out, Noble is a really good sport! He appreciated our style of humor and got a laugh out of it.
Regardless, I still felt a little guilty. I wondered if I should pull an Oklahoman and issue a retraction, but that didn't feel right. Instead, I did the next best thing. I contacted my friends Rachael and Chelbie (a.k.a. The Thunder Kiss Cam Girls), photographer Brandon Snider, and asked if they'd help me bring Noble some Ogletoberfest! They agreed! Unfortunately, we did not know that Noble is a teetotaler. Oh well, it meant more beer for Rachael and Chelbie!

By the way, do you like my shoes? Noble asked that I autograph them and leave them on the table.
After giving us time to chug some Ogletoberfest, Noble gave us a tour of the offices and showed us what sports memorabilia the bandits should steal next. Before doing so, he pointed out all the important certificates and awards he’s received over the years.

In case you can’t read it, that's either Noble’s perfect attendance certificate from elementary school, or his Presidential Fitness award. I’m not sure which one.
Noble then let us play with some of the new sports memorabilia that he’s acquired over the years at various charity auctions. In case you're a petty memorabilia thief, these valuable items are now protected by a state-of-the art security system complete with laser-triggered alarms, guard dogs and infrared Predator technology.

I’m not going to lie. Chelbie and Rachael weren’t impressed with the football stuff. They’re basketball fans. As a result, Noble had one his assistants bring out this beautiful signed Travis Ford basketball. It’s so valuable that you can only hold it while wearing special gloves.

For some reason, touching a basketball signed by the greatest coach in OSU basketball history did not impress Rachael and Chelbie, so they jammed on autographed guitars that were signed by either Led Zeppelin or Hinder. I can’t remember which one:

After the jam session (who knew Rachael and Chelbie were big STYX fans), Noble let them try on boxing gloves that were autographed by Bam Bam Bigalow and Glass Joe.

Oops. Wrong photo. We took that one while Noble was away calling security on us.

Fun fact: Those are the same gloves Noble uses to beat up insurance companies that try to screw over his clients!
At this point, looking at all the memorabilia got a bit exhausting, so we decided to call an Uber, go home, and call it a night. The driver was kind of a goofball, but it was a fun ride home.

I’d like to personally thank McIntyre Law Firm for being a member of the TLO Ad Club, and letting us do weird stuff like this. As I said, the man’s a good sport. He’s also one hell of a lawyer. If you’re ever in need of an attorney, support the TLO Ad Club and contact Noble today. He’ll take care of you.
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