Here's a bridge that's safe to hide under during a tornado!
In a loving tribute that's obviously designed to honor Oklahoma's most holy severe weather deity, and protect western Oklahoma wind farms from the increasing threat of dangerous hail, multi-wedge grinders and other violent acts of weather cast upon us by Diabolical Aaron Tuttle and his severe weather demons, the Oklahoma legislature and Mary Fallin recently passed a law that names a bridge just north of Seiling the "Meteorologist Gary England Bridge." It becomes official on July 1st.
Here' an unobstructed street view of the holy weather monument:
Beautiful, huh? I can't wait to melt some hailstones and sacrifice a Gentner under the bridge on my next pilgrimage to Seiling. Maybe I can even get his severe weather holiness to go with me and recreate this magical video from the 1970s:
1975 video of father & daughter. Gary & Molly
Posted by Gary England on Sunday, June 21, 2015
I don't know about you, but I need another box of tissues.
Anyway, this is obviously some awesome, amazing news. We finally have a bridge named after Gary England. Well, that is until the bridge collapses in a few years due to neglect and disrepair. While they're naming bridges after people, perhaps the legislature should pass a bill that ensures those bridges actually last for a while.
Also, I hope this is the start of a new trend and we soon get more bridges, roads and landmarks named after severe weather heros and villans. I'd suggest they name I-44 southbound from I-40 to I-240 the Mike Morgan Memorial Freeway. The Aaron Tuttle Oklahoma City Sewage Treatment Center also has a nice ring to it.