Say what you want about Governor Fallin and her family, but they really do a great job of advancing and perpetuating negative stereotypes about Oklahoma.
In case you haven't heard, Hipster Boo Boo has moved into a trailer at the Governor's mansion. Yes, a trailer. In a perfect world, I'd follow that sentence with "And she's engaged to and living with Sir John Michael," but as Governor Fallin constantly reminds us, the world isn't perfect.
Via The Oklahoman, which glossed over the embarrassing news in yesterday's paper:
Like many other parents whose children are grown, Gov. Mary Fallin enjoys when they come over and stay a while.
That's the case this summer at the Governor's Mansion.
Fallin's daughter, Christina, pulled her travel trailer onto the property in late April and has been living in it while she looks for more permanent housing...
While she looks for more permanent housing? That must be a typo. I think they meant a more permanent husband!
Haha! Zing! That was mean. I'm just joking. We all know how hard it is for white affluent girls with rich, powerful parents to find "more permanent housing." As we know, apartments, condos, duplexes, houses and empty lots at trailer parks in Harrah are hard to come by.
"Wade and I are very fortunate to have a close knit family and are really blessed having some of our kids home for the summer," Fallin said.
"A couple of our adult children have moved out of state pursuing their dreams."
"Family is very important to us as parents. Our children enjoy spending time with us too and we love spending time with them, especially as we are all really busy people.
Yep, Mary Fallin has done such a rotten job as Governor that even her step-kids have to move out-of-state to find a good job. What a positive thing to brag about. You think she could land them a gig in the Earthquake Denial Departments at Devon Energy or Continental Resources, right?
Sadly, we've actually acquired a pic of Hipster Boo Boo's trailer via the Ogle Mole Network. Check it out:

Hey rest of the world, if you want to make fun of us for this, feel free. I don't blame you. We totally deserve it.
Anyway, one thing The Oklahoman article does not mention is that Christina's trailer may technically be illegal and violate county code. For example, you can't let your cousin from Newalla move his RV into your backyard in Bluff Creek and just live out of it. We have rules and regulations to prevent such things from happening and protect property values.
This is how the Oklahoma County Code Book describes a "trailer" in the Definitions section:

Who knows? Maybe the Governor's Mansion meets certain zoning requirements and the trailer doesn't violate any laws. It doesn't really matter. We still have someone living out of a trailer at our Governor's mansion. Maybe next year we'll add an above the ground pool, porta-potty meth lab and rusted out Trans Am on cinder blocks. We want our Governor's residence to be as authentic as possible.
UPDATE: Does Hipster Boo Boo’s trailer violate code or not?
UPDATE II: Recapping Trailergate