"Monday at Ogle Madness" somehow doesn't have the same ring to it as "Sunday at Augusta" or "Game 7 of the World Series," but we're only eight years old, so give it some time?
Today we return to the Midwest Region, which is the only place Kevin Durant is playing anywhere right now.
Go vote! These are today's games:
(1) Kevin Durant vs (9) Lawton Rappers
(4) Sir John Michael vs (5) Jack White's Guacamole
(6) Miss State Fair vs (3) Olivia Munn
(10) Katy Weaver vs (2) Garth Brooks
(1) Kevin Durant vs (9) Lawton Rappers

(1) Kevin Durant
Round 1: Defeated the KFOR Social Media Bandit
Who he is: Badass basketball playing man.
Strengths: So good, he makes OU fans forget he played at Texas.
Weaknesses: The Thunder's training staff

(9) Lawton Rappers
Round 1: Defeated Street Outlaws
Who they are: Rappers... from Lawton.
Strengths: "Soon as Knuckles hit the club the whole place was screaming 'Opie!'" -- Greatest brag ever!
Weaknesses: Peaches did the whole Andy Griffith music video thing years ago (NSFW audio!).
(4) Sir John Michael vs (5) Jack White's Guacamole

(4) Sir John Michael
Round 1: Defeated The Judicial Branch
Who he is: King of the school bus.
Strengths: "If life gives you lemons, fuck life" is my new TM mantra.
Weaknesses: Does he have staying power? When was the last time you heard from Sweet Brown?

(5) Jack White's Guacamole
Round 1: Defeated The Hipster Food Foragers
What it is: The dip that captivated a nation for that glorious week back in February. Remember those days?
Strengths: Way more interesting than the Sister Hazel pico de gallo controversy of '96.
Weaknesses: The taste
(3) Olivia Munn vs. (6) Miss State Fair

(3) Olivia Munn
Round 1: Defeated the OKC Magic Club
Who she is: The actress with even more creepy internet stalkers than Felicia Day.
Strengths: She bagged a better QB than Gisele did...
Weaknesses: Ludicrously defended Aaron Sorkin's idiotic Mens's Rights rape storyline on The Newsroom.

(6) Miss State Fair
Round 1: Defeated Steve Shaw
Who she is: 2014 State Fair Photo Contest winner
Strengths: The sort of "Who-gives-a-fuck" self-confidence we could all only dream of.
Weaknesses: LOL doesn't she know fanny packs went out of style months ago!? What is she thinking?
(2) Garth Brooks vs. (10) Katy Weaver

(2) Garth Brooks
Round 1: Defeated Chris Landsberger
Who he is: The best selling American music artist in the history of the world.
Strengths: Sold out approximately 914 Tulsa shows in a row earlier this year.
Weaknesses: Remember when he went to Spring Training to play with the San Diego Padres? Man, that was weird.

(10) Katy Weaver
Round 1: Defeated New Wayne Coyne
Who she is: New Wayne Coyne's hipster life partner
Strengths: Tagging along.
Weaknesses: Tagging along.