Okay, it's time for the rest of the Midwest region. I'm actually writing this intro Monday afternoon, and SON OF A BITCH I just read Serge Ibaka needs surgery, so hopefully nothing else horrible has happened to the Thunder on the injury front. Is there any way we can blame PJ Carliesemo for these injury problems? I'm almost expecting to see Robert Swift suiting up again soon.
To help you soothe the wounds, do your civic duty and vote in Ogle Madness. Your afternoon match-ups are:
(6) Miss State Fair vs (11) Steve Shaw
(3) Olivia Munn vs (14) OKC Magic Club
(7) New Wayne Coyne vs (10) Katy Weaver
(2) Garth Brooks vs (15) Chris Landsberger
Go vote!
(6) Miss State Fair vs (11) Steve Shaw

(6) Miss State Fair
Who she is: 2014 State Fair Photo Contest winner
Strengths: The sort of "Who-gives-a-fuck" self-confidence we could all only dream of.
Weaknesses: LOL doesn't she know fanny packs went out of style months ago!? What is she thinking?

(11) Steve Shaw
Who he is: Channel 9's attempt to replicate Ron Burgandy.
Strengths: An unparalleled ability to raise one eyebrow at a time in an attempt to show gravitas.
Weaknesses: Can't handle 5 to 8-inches.
(3) Olivia Munn vs (14) OKC Magic Club

(3) Olivia Munn
Who she is: The actress with even more creepy internet stalkers than Felicia Day.
Strengths: She bagged a better QB than Gisele did...
Weaknesses: Ludicrously defended Aaron Sorkin's idiotic Mens's Rights rape storyline on The Newsroom.

(14) OKC Magic Club
Who they are: Secret guild of Oklahoma City magicians and sorcerers.
Strengths: Making things disappear
Weaknesses: Finding dates on MagicOnly.com
(7) New Wayne Coyne vs (10) Katy Weaver

(7) New Wayne Coyne
Who he is: Baffling older version of a once-inspiring, creative genius
Strengths: Delights in doing things like tweeting pictures of dicks that have been nailed to boards. So, a lack of squeamishness? That's a strength, I suppose.
Weaknesses: Goes around curmudgeonly complaining about "internet haters." Well guess what? We've got the power now, motherfucker, that's where it belongs...

(10) Katy Weaver
Who she is: New Wayne Coyne's hipster life partner
Strengths: Tagging along.
Weaknesses: Tagging along.
(2) Garth Brooks vs (15) Chris Landsberger

(2) Garth Brooks
Who he is: The best selling American music artist in the history of the world.
Strengths: Sold out approximately 914 Tulsa shows in a row earlier this year.
Weaknesses: Remember when he went to Spring Training to play with the San Diego Padres? Man, that was weird.

(15) Chris Landsberger
Who he is: The photographer behind the Oklahoman's "Sex Issue." *Shudder*
Strengths: A wife who loves him dearly.
Weaknesses: Soul Food.