Okay, now it's time to vote for the rest of the Northeast Region. Have you already voted for the upper half of the bracket? If not, click here and go do it!
This part of the bracket features three of Oklahoma's most nauseating politicians. Here are the match-ups:
(6) Marijuana vs (11) Josh Cockroft
(3) The Ogle Brothers vs (14) The Oklahoma Furries
(7) The Blue House vs (10) James Lankford
(2) Gary England vs (15) Sally Kern
Not to let the committee try to influence the voting, but I know you'll do the right thing, Oklahoma.
(6) Marijuana vs (11) Josh Cockroft

(6) Marijuana
What it is: Excellent medicinal product, or the cause of most of society's problems, depending on who you ask. Either way, a helluva good time.
Strengths: Do you ever think about, like, just how huge the universe is? You know what I mean, man? Do you ever just stop to marvel at that?
Weaknesses: Drives prohibitionists to say ridiculously silly things like this.

(11) Josh Cockroft
Who he is: Arts hating mean person
Strengths: Soon to be a proud new father!
Weaknesses: Writes awful homophobic stuff... that he plagiarized.
(3) The Ogle Brothers vs (14) The Oklahoma Furries

(3) The Ogle Brothers
Who they are: Giant newsreaders
Strengths: Their last name ensures they will work in this town forever
Weaknesses: Inflicted things like "My Two Cents" and "The Rant" on an unsuspecting Oklahoma City.

(14) The Oklahoma Furries
Who they are: The world's largest outdoor furry convention, in... Watonga?
Strengths: They aren't Bronies.
Weaknesses: Doesn't it get hot in there?
(7) The Blue House vs (10) James Lankford

(7) The Blue House
What it is: Location of seriously sketchy but kind of sexy dealings between members of our government.
Strengths: Got the typically dry Journal Record to publish an article called "Sex and Sabatoge."
Weaknesses: Blue is a terrible color for a house.

(10) James Lankford
Who he is: Yet another terrible politician from Oklahoma
Strengths: Maybe not quite as bad as some of our other politicians
Weaknesses: His voice and his face don't match
(2) Gary England vs (15) Sally Kern

(2) Gary England
Who He is: Weather deity.
Strengths: Too many to list.
Weaknesses: Somehow has never won Ogle Madness. You have all failed him.

(15) Sally Kern
Who she is: An almost cartoonishly horrible person.
Strengths: An unparalleled level of self-importance.
Weaknesses: I mean, where to begin? Doesn't like gay people. Doesn't like black people. Probably hates puppies. Helluva job, Bethany.