Sometimes these posts just write themselves.
Yesterday, this happened:

In case you care, that's News 9's Joleen Chaney interviewing some wildling warlock name Sir John Michael. He's just your regular old dude who likes to sunbathe in the nude, wear women's leggings and cavemen vests, and live a simple life on a school bus out in the country next to his landlord's pot farm. He also has a crystal-topped staff, probably for magical reasons.
Yesterday, authorities raided the pot farm Sir John Michael lived next to because, well, go watch the clip: - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Questions / Comments / WTFs / Notes....
• No, I do not know why Sir John Michael was not wearing a viking hat. It disappointed me too. I guess he left it in his school bus next to his talking Buffalo headdress. Probably because he didn't want it to mess up his ponytail after taking so much time to twist it.
• I have some calls out to see if we can pick up any of the Sir John's landlord's hidden weed. I agree, the stuff in the News 9 clip seemed a bit leafy, but if it works for Sir John, I'm pretty sure it will work for the rest of us.
• This is probably the best local news interview we've had since Toni Jones kicked that carjacker's ass last summer. I'd give the nod right now to Toni, but only because she got progressively drunker as the day went on.
• Congrats to Joleen Chaney for being nonchalant as hell throughout the whole interview. She's got her hand on her hip like it's just another day in the news business. It makes you wonder how much experience she's had with men who wear underwear over women's leggings and live in school buses.
• Let's also give some props to Sir John Michael. After having a traumatic day that included a cop raid, car problems, and a loss of his weed supply, he was cordial, professional and kind to JoJo. Other knights in that situation would have harassed Joleen until she brought them a shrubbery.
• Can we all be there when Sir John Michael bails his landlord out of jail? I wonder where he'll park his chariot.
• You know how Channel 9 likes to have those sweeps contests where you can win a tornado shelter or a new pickup truck or something like that? Well, for their next contest they should give away an all expenses paid trip to Burning Man with Sir John Michael in the school bus. Sure, that may seem like a weird prize, but as Sir John Michael says:
"If life gives you lemons, fuck life."