Okay, "All About That Bass" was actually released in July, but it was still the number one single in October. I know I said there'd be another celebrity death but... oh wait there was:
Jan Hooks-- most remembered from "Saturday Night Live" and appearances on "30 Rock"-- died in October. I guess 2014 was just the year of funny people dying, which means no one at TLO has any reason to be worried.
October was also the month people finally stopped doing the Ice Bucket Challenge (remember that thing?) because it started getting a little too cold outside. So it wasn't all bad!
Here are the top TLO articles from October:

5. Oklahoma State Rep Josh Cockroft is a plagiarist / We pissed off the Tecumseh newspaper
Published: 10/9 and 10/21, respectively
What We Said: Basically, Cockroft switched out the word “anthropological” to “indisputable.” I guess you can’t blame him. Since he doesn’t believe in evolution or science, anthropology is probably a meaningless science to him.
What We Learned: Never trust a guy named "Cockroft"
Best Comment: "The Cock of Tecumseh strikes again." - The Batman

4. 10 Places where you can no longer have your birthday
Published: 10/22/2014
What We Said: Part of growing up in Edmond was going to Lion’s Fun Park and holding hands with cute boys on the mini golf course. Part of growing up a nerd in Edmond was going to Lion’s Fun Park and knowing that not a single cute boy wanted to hold your hand on the mini golf course.
What We Learned: We're all slowly moving towards oblivion.
Best Comment: "There is nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by bringing back Molly Murphy’s." - Badger

Published: 10/20/2014
What We Said: Much like the Pride’s halftime marching performances, all the drama and demands apparently fell on deaf ears. David Boren wasn’t going to let a bunch of virgins, Doctor Who fans and every good boy who does fine tell him how to lead his university.
What We Learned: More like the Chide of Oklahoma, right? RIGHT?
Best Comment: "Here’s good trivia: 'Fifty Nifty' was written by Ray Charles." - Dusty

2. These pics of Mary Fallin with some dudue wearing a "Mary Failin'" T-shirt are amazing
Published: 10/3/2014
What We Said: Wow, that’s fucking amazing. I want to turn that pic into a poster and hang it in my room next to my Hipster Boo Boo Fathead. If it doesn’t win some sort of photography award then the world is broken. It captures so much dejection and disappointment that it is slightly uncomfortable to look it. It’s so brutal that it almost makes me feel sorry for the Governor.
What We Learned: Four more years of Failin'
Best Comment: "Somehow this has got to all be Obama’s fault." - Pat

1. Oklahoma State Fair Photo Contest Part 1 & Part 2
Published: 10/8 and 10/9
What We Said: I bet he was rapping about how he could really use some Oxiclean. It’s part of his new rap ballad “Shit On My Jorts.” The chorus goes a little something like this:
“Got shit on my jorts, playa, shit on my jorts,
got me a ho, playa, hope she aborts
’cause I got shit on my jorts”
What We Learned:
Best Comment: "What has been seen cannot be unseen" - The Crowe