Before March 2014, the last time we got to see fans of hacky network sitcoms cry in person was back in 2004 when “Friends” ended. Then “How I Met Your Mother” aired its final episode and proved to the world that any dumb TV show can always get way, way dumber.
While the internet was buzzing along with theories on how it would end, these are the articles that were tearing it up on TLO:

5. 10 Best Moore Liquor Marquees
Published: 3/26/2014
What We Said: “…if I had to write a ‘Top 10 Things About Moore’ for this site, the Moore Liquor Marquee would probably rank number three behind ‘Heroes’ and ‘Leaving Moore.’”
What We Learned: I just realized Moore Liquor is a play on words.
Best Comment: “He said masturbation in public. This is truly the dark ages.” - KamielIsAVeryManlyName

4. Oklahoma GOP leader suggests eliminating public schools and sending women back to dark ages
Published: 3/14/2014
What We Said: For what it’s worth, Putin, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban all think America should embrace those ideas.
What We Learned: The Bible is great for teaching science, apparently.
Best Comment: “how is Pam the former vice -chair of the oklahoma gop? shouldn’t she have been home cooking dinner?” - Mark

3. The Owner of The Key is building a castle is Edmond
Published: 3/13/2014
What We Said: That’s pretty cool. Though, it’s weird that a car salesman overcompensates with a house and not a giant truck.
What We Learned: Yeah, you may have a castle, but you still live in Edmond.
Best Comment: “This is what happens when you’re rich and your wife becomes obsessed with Downton Abbey.” - Dim-Bob

2. Regular Jim Traber and Vanity Perkins don’t like each other
Published: 3/7/2014
What We Said: …Traber – who is not in the best of health – responded with something like “Yeah, I’d curl up into a ball, because then your husband would try to pick me up and probably just drop me.” Get it? Kendrick Perkins is an awful basketball player and would drop Jim like a basketball. I don’t give it up to Jim too often, but that was pretty good.
What We Learned: We got majorly depressed when we realized this is like OKC’s version of the Jay-Z—Solange Knowles feud.
Best Comment: Shawn: Doesn’t she have an Asian manicurist to terrorize?

1. Christina Fallen appreciates Native culture and other beautiful things
Published: 3/7/2014
What We Said: Don’t be offended, Native Americans. Christina Fallin meant no disrespect. She simply dressed up as a Native American because she wants to innocently adorn herself with beautiful stereotypes that she’s seen in old movies and cartoons.
What We Learned: This probably led to The Flaming Lips firing their drummer and Wayne Coyne revealing what an out of touch loser he is in a rambling, hilarious interview with Rolling Stone.
Best Comment: RJF: “Maybe that’s her alter-ego…’Stands with Divorce Papers’”
Brace yourselves, there's only more Christina Fallin coming up in our April recap in a few days.