While he may deny global warming, there’s no denial of the warming in many a loins that occur everytime someone accidentally catches a flash of those orange-tinted abs in the weight room of any 24 Hour Fitness that beloved meteorologist (weatherman) Aaron Tuttle might frequent, shirt lifted up ever so slightly as he snaps one of his notoriously hunky Instagrams that leave fans in Instapuddles of their own sweaty lust.
Whether clean and jerkin’, bench pressin’ or snappin’ towels with the weather bros in the locker room, Aaron loves to play hard just as much as he loves to work hard, most notably as the inventor/designer/creator of the ATS Weather App. I bought one for my cellular telephone and now I feel meteorologically secure knowing that Aaron is in my pants at all times, ready to alert me with a slight attention-grabbing buzz in case of a little drizzle or, even better, flash flood of hot wet precipitation that threatens to soak every inch of me.

Recently single and, if social media is to be believed, frighteningly vulnerable about it, there’s no word on if romantically weather wildcat Aaron is on the prowl, but who among us hasn’t laid awake at night, ATS Weather App on the pillow next to our heart, hoping that a freak twister will strike and, just as it looks like death is certain, he kicks down the bedroom door, muscles glistening with debris, effortlessly picking us up and carrying us to safety just like he would a lost puppy in the clutches of the ALS Association, all the while cradled gently in his rock-hard, hairless bosom like that of an adult-man-baby who is craving just a sweet spectre of taste from his imagined mother’s milk?
Gasp and swoon, I think I caught the vapors.
I know I'm not the only one who dreams of such rescues. The Johnny Depp of fake Facebook weathermen has a thing for Mr. Tuttle, as does Joe Cooper. Here are some chiseled pics of Aaron Tuttle from over the years to give you a little inspiration for, perhaps, a little workout sesh of your own. He’s our Hot Dude Monday…