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OMG, comments on a Channel 5 Facebook post actually made me haha laugh…

As we've documented many times on this site over the years, the Facebook pages of local TV news channels are some of the darkest, scariest, and most terrifying places on the internet. All it takes is one "What do you think?" to realize that every other person online is either a racist, bigot, or doesn't understand the basic rules of capitalization and punctuation.

Occasionally, though, something out there happens to restore the small sliver of hope we have in humanity. That was the case yesterday on Channel 5. They posted a story on Facebook, and as Social Media Bandits like to do, they included a question:

koco fb post

Wow. I had no clue you could now "manufacture" marijuana. It must be the new alternative to "growing."  I guess that explains the new banana factory on the southside.

Anyway, some people took the social media bait and actually replied to the question "Have you ever heard of someone whose name matches their job title." Instead of making my eyes roll, one exchange actually made me laugh.

Check it out:

facebook koco funny

We'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitresses and bar staff. Have a good night.

Seriously, that's the first time I think I've ever looked a TV news Facebook page and saw something that was "Ha Ha" funny and not "sad" funny. Because of that, I think I'm going to include one of these people in Ogle Madness VIII. I'm not sure which one. I'll probably have to consult with Sparkle Titsworth or Chubby Johnson on it.

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