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Oklahoma is dangerous…


Earlier this week, the distinguished and obviously reliable website threw out some clickbait ranking the safest states to live.

Like we do in just about any random Internet list of bad things, Oklahoma ranked near the bottom.


Since June is National Safety Month, Wallet Hub put together a list of the safest states to live in.

The finance social network sorted the states according to different safety standards that take into account data related to crime, traffic accidents, employer insurance coverage, climate disasters, consumer bank accounts and more.

Consumer bank accounts? Yes, nothing makes me feel safer than free checking and online bill pay.

According to Wallet Hub’s study, Oklahoma came in towards the bottom of the list as the 48th safest state in the U.S.

The study also showed that Oklahoma has one of the highest estimated property losses from natural disasters.

Wow, 48th? Who knew we were all a bunch of living dangerously badasses. How's that for some street cred? Let's go celebrate by texting and driving!

Here's where we ranked in each category:

Overall RankState NameFinancial Safety RankDriving Safety RankWorkplace Safety RankNatural Disasters RankHome and Community Safety Rank

51st in workplace safety? It's good to see "Right To Work" and tort reform is finally paying off.

Anyway, instead of trying to fix this problem, I think we should embrace our dangerous lifestyle. The first step in this process is changing our license plates. Instead of "Native America," they should say "Living Dangerously" or "Survivor."

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