Professional soccer makes its return to Oklahoma City this Saturday night when the OKC Energy takes on the Orlando City Epcot or Lions (one of the two) in the home opener. The match kicks off at 7:00pm at the comfy confines of Pribil Stadium, or as the cool kids like to call it, The Prib.
I'm pretty excited about the match. On a scale of 1 - 5, I'm about a Level 2 soccer fan. I follow the World Cup, UEFA Cup, and just about any competition that features the USA, but I still call the sport soccer. I also watch English Premier League matches. In fact, I even tried to become a fan of Newcastle United following the 2006 World Cup. The experiment didn't work, but at least I tried. And yes, I picked them because of the beer.
In addition to all that, I'm now an Oklahoma City Energy season ticket holder. Yes, after coming to grips with the name, I broke down and bought some season tickets. Now I just need to figure out how offsides works.
Anyway, because this is what I do for a living, I thought I'd share 10 reasons why you should be like me a get Oklahoma City Energy season tickets. Here we go:

1. You’re an fledgling local blogger who doesn't mind selling out to corporate interests
Okay, before we get too deep into this, I should probably clarify that the Oklahoma City Energy is an advertiser on The Lost Ogle and pretty much every other website in town. Seriously, way to go Internet Advertising Manager for the Oklahoma City Energy! I can't visit any website, mine included, without thinking of you guys. Like a vuvuzela, that's incredibly brilliant and obnoxious. Let's hope the team on the field is as dedicated to winning as you are booking ads. Go Energy!

2. It will irritate Regular Jim Traber
The only thing Jim Traber hates more than soccer is a Jenni Carlson column. Since I would never recommend reading a Jenni Carlson column, going to a soccer game is the best way to irritate the Ultimate.

3. Tickets are affordable
Single game tickets run anywhere from $7 - $24. Hopefully, the Love family doesn't get Energy games confused with Loud City.

4. Orange Slices at Halftime
I'm not sure if they sell them at the stadium, but I'm bringing orange slices. I'm also going to bring some real football traditions to soccer and hold up four fingers at the start of each 4th quarter.

5. Pregame Parties at 51st Street Speakeasy
Look at this! I was able to plug two sponsors in one post! Awesome!
This is actually a pretty cool set up. The Speakeasy is within walking distance to the stadium, so they are going to be the pre-game headquarters for the Energy and their fan club, the Grid. I believe there's even supposed to be some sort of March to the Match deal that's popular overseas (and in Seattle) where everyone walks to the stadium together singing songs and stuff.

6. Gives you a chance to wear old Umbros
And don't forget slide sandals, too.

7. Moves us closer to becoming a 2-star big league city.
If we support the Energy, it puts us one step closer to getting an MLS team. Maybe they could even take some of the money for that convention center nobody wants and put it into a cool soccer stadium.

8. Coach Jimmy Nielsen
This guy is the coach of the Energy. He's apparently really eccentric and cool. This is probably because he's Danish.
9. The Energy Girls
So I googled Energy Girls to see the this year's dance squad. Take a look at what I found:

Oh, so those are Monster Energy girls. Oops.
10. No Vuvuzelas
Although it will be tempting, don't do it.
That's not a bad list for a kid who never played soccer!
Anyway, we wish the Oklahoma City Energy the best of luck and their inaugural season and can't wait to watch them play. You can buy season tickets here or by calling the box office 405.235.KICK.