Last week, Oklahoma Fashion Week came and went. If you missed it, consider yourself lucky. The event was promoted and organized by Oklahoma's finest celebutante Hipster Boo Boo (a.k.a. Christina Fallin).
We know this because:
A) Hipster Boo Boo being involved in something like "Oklahoma Fashion Week" makes total sense.
B) Photos like this:

Yes, that's Mary and Christina Fallin at the Oklahoma Fashion Week media kick off. She, along with (retired) Major General Rita Aragon (this lady!), the Oklahoma Secretary of Military and Veteran Affairs, were the keynote speakers. Who would invite a crazy conservative Governor who wears open-toed shoes with hose (and a general who likes Glamour Shots) to kick off a fashion event? Oh, I know! Maybe some girl whose only source of credibility comes from her mom's last name. Makes sense.
Seriously, Christina, get out of your mom's shadow! Do something on your own! And by do something on your own, I don't mean change your name to just "Christina" or run off and do awful projects with Wayne Coyne or Desmond Mason. That just makes you look even more desperate.
Anyway, if having Governor Fallin and General Big Collar didn't convince you that Christina Fallin is the no-longer-pink-haired mastermind behind Oklahoma Fashion Week, check out these photos we grabbed of the kick off from some obscure local fashion website called "A Cuppa Fashion." It doesn't show any models wearing Native American headdresses, but it's still good for a laugh:

Yikes. Here's a closer look:

Apparently the theme to this year's Oklahoma Fashion Week was either "The Devil Wears This Shit" or "Ugly Clothing That Doesn't Fit Models Very Well." Seriously, that's some of the most ridiculous clothing I've ever seen. It looks like Lady Gaga got drunk and fucked Knight Rider.
You have to wonder why Christina used such, uhm, creative, loose-fitting clothes and smiley models to kick off Oklahoma Fashion Week. Actually, you don't. The clothing was designed by some lady named Stella Thomas. Here's some photos from her online portfolio:

What a coincidence!!! The same fashion designer who let Christina Fallin model her clothing line also happened to be the same designer who was featured at Oklahoma Fashion Week. Who would have predicted that.
If you want a full recap of fashion week, including a breakdown of an art show at Empire Pizza that featured live music by, get this, Pink Pony, go to Always thirsty for content, they had one of Christina Fallin's friends provide a day-by-day recap / advertorial of the week's events. I kind of liked it. The articles were great parodies of something you'd read in a high school yearbook or So6ix. Plus, they had photos like this:

For other photos and events to mock, you can also go to A Cuppa Fashion. The photos and writing on that site are better than KFOR, but then again, you also have to justify going to a site called A Cuppa Fashion.
Anyway, I guess that's it for our very brief and not very thorough breakdown of Hipster Boo Boo's Fashion Week. Oops, I meant Oklahoma Fashion Week. Next year, maybe we'll plan and provide more real-time coverage of the events. Cardboard Jim loves fashion.