Back in 2009, we told you (via News 9) about some dude from Enid named Gary James. He was running for city council and owned a trashy restaurant / bar named Gary's Chicaros. The place was well known for its prime rib, cheap beer and James' open hatred of homosexuals, blacks and all other forms "of unproductive trash."
Well, it's been five years since that story and it looks like James is still one hell of a bigot.
Last week, KFOR's Ashley Kringen traveled to Enid to interview James after reports surfaced that he banned a man with a disability from visiting his restaurant. It's a "he said, bigot said" affair. The guy with the disability claims he was banned from the place for using a wheelchair. James says the guy in the wheelchair brought all his rowdy friends to the bar and were very unpleasant. Both arguments ignore one key point: why they hell was anyone eating at Gary's Chicaros?
Here's Ashley's report about the incident. It begins with James telling Ashley that he would only call her a chink "if they were drinking and joking around."
Wow, this guy is like the Dark Overlord of the Derplahomans. I'm surprised he isn't wearing a necklace made of gay bear teeth.
Few thoughts:
• We need to get this guy, Little Mike and the people from Meers to have some sort of Derplahoman cook off or something. It can be judged by Sally Kern, Mary Fallin and Anita Bryant. 100% of all proceeds will benefit the Westboro Baptist Church.
• I like how he says in the story "If you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here. If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there.” Uhm, why's he only focusing on welfare recipients? There are plenty of other lazy people who leach off the government to discriminate against, right? You know, like disabled veterans, people on Medicare or Medicaid, and all the ranchers around town who receive farm subsidies/ Are they banned, too?
• Obviously, this story has gone international. Usually that sucks because it brings unwanted attention and stereotypes to our state, but I can live with it this time around. Check out some of the recent Yelp reviews for Gary's Chicaros:







Now, if only some of those people can add it to CruisingGays.com. According to reports, they're starting to crack down on the Hobby Lobby bathroom.