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TLO Saves Thanksgiving….


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, the day when we give thanks for all the blessings we have in life before we jam piles of genetically altered, tryptophan dripping, bird chunks, biscuits from a tube and cranberry sauce shaped like a can, into our collective pie holes. Thanksgiving is a glorious orgy of mid afternoon gluttony, football and fantastic naps. However, as with all good things, there’s a really good chance some sort of wrench gets thrown into the works of what should be a perfect day.

“Well lemme tell you the REAL truth about Barack HUSSEIN Obama!” Oh no. “I was watchin’ the news and Glenn Beck, a TRUE patriot, was sayin’ somethin’ bout how NOBAMA was destroyin’ this country.” Sweet Jesus. "The 1% controls ALL the wealth in America!" Well, okay. There’s a really good chance no matter what side of the political border you’ve set up camp, you’re smart enough to know any “conversation” your weird uncle Milton begins after his third glass of Beaujolais Nouveau is not gonna end well. Sometimes one little political conversation will hover like a cloud over Thanksgiving festivities. “I don’t know if all that’s true Uncle Milton.” Then your mom tells you to be nice to your uncle you only see twice a year and then your dad tells you to just do what your mom says and Uncle Milton doesn’t stop and before you know it you’re reminded why you only hang out with your family on occasions involving massive amounts of free food and or gifts.

We here at The Lost Ogle understand this struggle and we’re here to help. As you know, we host Free Team Trivia at four places around town. To promote our trivia nights, we have a Twitter account @TLOTriviaNight. Starting tomorrow morning at 8am @joeldavidd (That's me) will post fun facts every half hour. This will help your Thanksgiving gathering by providing you with non-political, non-divisive fun facts and trivia questions you can throw into the Thanksgiving conversation to keep everyone from arguing. It’s our way of giving thanks to you, the people who make this site the success it is.

So go ahead and follow us @TLOTriviaNight and get ready for the best Thanksgiving ever. Uncle Milton will thank you.

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