How much would you be willing to pay for a matching couch and chair that was previously owned by Emily Sutton? $5,000? $10,000? $20,000?
If so, have we got a deal for you. The two-time Ogle Madness champion is selling some of her old furniture on Craigslist. Because she's Emily Sutton and kind and sweet and perfect, some of the proceeds even go to charity.
Here's the ad:
Emily Sutton's Couch & Recliner (Portion of Sales to Charity!) - $400 (OKC)
Hello friends! I just moved and need to sell my couch & recliner. I will give a quarter of the sale to the GO MITCH GO Foundation in the fight against all blood cancers!
Couch & matching recliner for sale! Great condition. 4 years old. The microfiber suede is machine washable. I am willing to talk about the price.
$400 for a couch and chair previously owned by Emily Sutton??! Sign me up!!! I'd drop that much for them sight unseen. Not only would they be a great conversation starter – "That couch was owned by Emily Sutton" – but they'd be the perfect fit for my tornado safe room / weather museum / mom's basement.
Let's go ahead and check them out:

On second thought, I'm not really sure I have the room for any new furniture right now. You see, I recently acquired one of Rick Mitchell's old futons. Between that, the empty walls and the cage I made for Gary England, I don't think I could find the space for them.
That being said, you should totally look into buying the set. Who doesn't like brown microfiber? I'm sure they'd spruce up any dimly lit room or apartment that smells like ramen.