Warm up the cocoa. Check your tire tread. Hide your gardening clogs.
We've received several emails from Ogle Moles claiming that former KFOR meteorologist and hero Jonathan "Iceman" Condor is coming back to Oklahoma City. He will apparently be replacing Rusty McRanie as the new morning meteorologist for KOCO Channel 5.
We reached out to Jonathan to see what he had to say his return. He sent us this video:
Hehe! He said bitch.
You may remember Jonathan is the meteorologist who had the glorious on-air meltdown during the 2009 Christmas Blizzard, or as we now call it, the Christmas Blizzard that actually happened. During the event, he turned into a St. Bernard and patrolled N. Western saving, rescuing and lecturing stranded motorists about proper winter weather driving techniques and footwear. "J.C." suffered from PTSD following the ordeal and let Lance West know about it.
Here's the clip.
Yeah, it's going to be great to have Jonathan back. It's just a shame he's going to be stuck in the purgatory that is the Channel 5 morning show. It would be much more fun if he were on Channel 4. J.C. and Dr. Reed Timmer the Scientist could round-up the Dominators and rescue ashamed motorists from all over the city during the next winter weather death watch. That would be great TV.