The two women above – Mean Dueweke (L) and Deeda Payton (R) – both made the top five of last year's 20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City Media, but they moved away to other markets. Who will step up and replace them? I guess that's what we're going to find out, but before we do, let's review the rest of the list:
20. Courtney Francisco
19. Meg Alexander
18. Abigail Ogle
17. Lisa Monahan
16. Lauren Nelson
15. Danielle Dupuy
14. Bobbie Miller
13. Tiffany Tatro
12. Ashley Kringen
11. Michelle Apon
10. Jessica Schambach
9. Maggie Stokes
8. Kim Passoth
7. Emily Sutton
6. Kisha Henry
Out of all the years we've run this feature, this batch of hotties may be the toughest to rank. It kind of reminds me of this year's NBA Draft. There's no clear-cut number one, and a player you get at 12 may be just as good as the top pick. I guess it all depends on team needs, upside, and taste.
Anyway, here's the Top 5:

5. Erielle Reshef
Weekend Anchor, KOCO Channel 5
We first wrote about Erielle late last year. She would have ranked higher on our list, but as we noted last November, she's married to some dude named Frankenstein. Apparently she saved him from angry villagers, gave him Abby Normal's brain and they've lived happily ever after. Maybe Maggie Stokes can hook up with the Wolfman and they can all go on double dates.

4. Lacey Swope
Meteorologist, KWTV Channel 9
Lacey Swope has skyrocketed from the 20th hottest women in the OKC media all the way to number 4. Here's what we wrote about her last year:
20. Lacey SwopeWeather Producer – KWTV News 9
This is more of a symbolic ranking than anything. In 2010, we ranked a young, wide-eyed Emily Sutton as the 20th hottest woman in the Oklahoma City media. Just two years later, she not only won, but totally dominated Ogle Madness V. I’m not sure if Lacey will ever win an Ogle Madness tournament or rival Emily Sutton’s brand of girl-next-door hotness, but if she finds her a Joleen Chaney, expect her to have a much better ranking next year.
I don't know if she found her JoJo, drinks lemondrops or will win Ogle Madness, but I do know this year's ranking has nothing to do with symbolism. Lacey Swope is a babe. She's like a multi-vortex, supercell, maxi-wedge grinder of hotness. Whenever she says jump, Dean Blevins asks "Let me get my camera."
All that being said, I kind of feel a little guilty ranking her so high. It's like I'm cheating on Emily Sutton. We need to to get her to start shooting arrows and posting nudist colony selfies or something.
3. Joleen Chaney
Unlike Lacey Swope, this ranking is kind of symbolic. In the past year, Joleen has moved to the mornings, posed for an awkward pictorial in So6IX and even got married. Yeah, you read that right. Joleen Chaney eloped. Basically, she's done everything possibly to fall of this list.
Despite all that, we're sticking with JoJo for the time. Even though we don't see her on TV, we still think she's hot. Plus, she's still the only local lady in the media with a creepy tribute song.

2. Wendy Suares
Morning Anchor, Channel 25
Wendy Suares is the new Morning Anchor for Channel 25. She replaced Mean Dueweke who fled to Seattle to raise her army of evil flying monkeys. Here's why we ranked her number two:
1. Something about Wendy Suares is deceptively hot. She just has the classic pretty vibe going on. You could see her at Target on a Saturday morning with no make-up on and you'd still look twice. That's hard to pull off.
2. She's smart. As one of the more intelligent men in Oklahoma City, I find it attractive when a girl is smart and knows how to read. It appears that Wendy meets that criteria:

Yes, Wendy Suares likes to read. In fact, she likes to read books so much that she has to lean on stacks of them at time. That's hot. Also,
3. She was voted the hottest anchor in Jackson, Mississippi
4. She befriended the blogger who named her the hottest anchor in Jackson.
5. Just to piss off Mean Dueweke.

1. Alex Wehrley
Studio Host, KSBI
Even though she's from Wisconsin, has a funny name, dated Jonny Snowdrift and appears on TV channel that probably doesn't have as many viewers and we have readers, we have determined that Alex Wehrley is the hottest women in the Oklahoma City News Media. Anti-climatic, huh?
Anyway, that's it. Thanks to all the ladies who made this list for being good sports, putting up with our tomfoolery and not filing any criminal charges against us. Also, check out the site in the next few weeks for the 20 Hottest Men in the Oklahoma City Media. We're looking out for the ladies, too.