It's that time again, readers, when we here at The Lost Ogle answer the questions that need answering. Last time, you decided that Norman was way better than Edmond, amen! This week, we tackle a real toughie. What's the best local furniture store, Bob Mills or Mathis Brothers?
Our arguments are after the jump!
Marisa: Bob Mills
Full disclosure, readers: As a professional student, I've never bought furniture. It's not that I don't want some new stuff. It's just that I'm broke. But some of the hand-me-down furniture I do have came from Bob Mills Furniture. Why? Because he's the working man's friend. And not working man in the Toby Keith-listening-to sort of way, but working man in the affordable furniture for your trying-to-be-middle class home sort of way.
Also, does anyone remember the time in the olden days when Bob Mills wore Cosby sweaters? There doesn't appear to be any videos on YouTube of this, leading me to believe that someone finally told old Bob how silly he looked in those sweaters. But if Cosby can sell pudding pops in those sweaters, I imagine the selling mojo in those sweaters worked double time for furniture. And in the grand scheme of embarrassing things to be known for, what's worse--a janky Cosby sweater and reclining sofas or for pleasure derived from rodents?
I rest my case.
Tony: The Mathis Brothers

At this website, we have from time to time constantly complained about the poor customer service at Braum's. The good news is that not all locally based chains are so bad in that area. Mathis Brothers' employees are always ready to help you. Like, maybe too much. By the time you walk fifteen feet inside the door you usually have three or four people approach trying to help you out. I've considered putting on body armor before walking in to shield myself from the arms and legs I see flying at me as I walk into the store. The commissions the Mathis Brothers pay their employees on sales must be either crazy good or crazy bad, because they really fight for them.
Also, the Mathis Brothers just have a cool confidence about them. They're all "Yeah, I've got a dog on my lap for no reason at all. What of it?" and "Yeah, we could have named the heir to the family business anything in the world and we decided to go with 'Rit.'" You don't make decisions like that unless you are really sure of yourself, which is the quality I look for when shopping for a new bed. You know they won't let you down.
We're having an issue with our polling plug-in. Should be fixed later.