If you follow the 1990's music videos I post (almost) every Saturday morning, you may have noticed I've been playing some of my favorite Snoop Dogg tracks. This is because Snoop Dog is one of my favorite rappers, he's playing a concert at Lucky Star Casino on October 26th, and it gives me an excuse to write words like "Shizzle" and "Biatch."
Well biatches, gather up your posse and check this shizzle out. Lucky Star Casino in Concho is giving away six tickets to the Snoop Dogg concert — plus a limo ride* to and from the show — to one lucky TLO reader. Here's how the contest works.
1. Leave a reply/comment on this post. In the comment, simply tell us your favorite Snoop Dogg song and why. It can be as long — think Clark Matthews explaining his love for Eddie Sutton — or short — "Lodi Dodi. Because I said so." — as you like.
2. When you post your comment, be sure to use a current email address in the "email" field. That's what we'll use to contact the winner.
3. On Tuesday, October 18th we'll randomly select one comment. Whoever posted the comment will be the winner. Pretty easy, huh?
Anyway, we'd like to go ahead and thank our friends at Lucky Star Casino for putting this contest together. Originally, we just asked for a couple of tickets to give away. We had no clue they'd throw in a limo ride, extra tickets, etc. We hope good karma goes to the them, and we hope that good luck goes to you if you decide to enter.
*The free limo ride applies only to the Oklahoma City metropolitan area only. If you want to read the full rules and disclosures for the contest, click here.