While doing research for Monday's "Worst Weatherman" I stumbled across this picture of KWTV 9 weatherman Nick Bender. I think he likes to lift weights.

(Update: Per a Facebook message, Nick Bender claims the body builder pictured above is another Nick Bender who just happens to look exactly like him. If he's telling the truth, both Nick Bender's should be tremendously flipped out.)
I don't know about you, but I'm not too sure I want my weatherman to be an aspiring body builder. If there's a tornado barreling towards my house, I want him to tell me to take tornado precautions. I don't want him to get all pumped up and go fight storm.
This isn't the first time we've had a weatherman kiss his biceps and call them hook echos. Ex-Channel 5 weatherman Aaron Tuttle is an aspiring bodybuilder and used to dress like superman. It's also not the first time we've posted body building pics of the local media on the site. Anyone remember Kealey McIntire?
Anyway, for all you ladies and homosexual men out there, we have a few more pics of Nic flexing his guns after the jump. The pics aren't from bodybuilding competitions, but his Facebook page. Enjoy.