Well, we are now at the Ogle Madness Sweet 16. This is the point where things get interesting and the voting gets difficult. Need proof? Just check out today's Northeast Regional Match Ups.
(1) Gary England vs. (5) Ashlynn Brooke
(2) Liz Dueweke vs.(3) Joleen Chaney
Yeah, good luck trying to figure out who to vote for on those.
Also, for those who are confused by Ogle Madness (like my Dad, for example), lets recap how this thing works. We took 64 Oklahoma people and things and seeded them in a NCAA-style bracket. Then each day we post a group of games from a particular region and let our readers vote on who they want to advance. Voting is allowed for that day only, so if you're reading this post on lets say, Wednesday, and you're confused and don't understand why you can't vote, that's why.
Anyway, the last person/thing left standing at the end of Ogle Madness is our Ogle Madness Champion. They win a prize. And oh yeah, Ogle Madness even has a sponsor who's giving away a prize to a lucky reader.
Vote after the jump.
(1) Gary England vs. (5) Ashlynn Brooke
About (1) Gary England:
Conference: Heroic Weather Deities
Who he is: Chief Meteorologist for KWTV Channel 9
Biggest Strength: Being able to not only control all weather events in Oklahoma, but keeping us advised while doing so.
Biggest Weakness: Losing Val on the gentner.
Last Game: Defeated Kings of Leon 355 - 156
About (5) Ashlynn Brooke

About Ashlynn Brooke
Conference: Oklahoma Porn Stars
Who she is: Adult Film Actress
Biggest Strength: Uhm...her acting ability.
Biggest Weakness: Uhm...her acting ability.
Last Game: Defeated the Autistic Diaper Bandit 328 - 172
(2) Liz Dueweke vs.(3) Joleen Chaney

About (2) Liz Dueweke
Conference: Hot Female News Reporters
Who she is: Reporter and Anchor for KOKC Fox 25
Biggest Strength: Looking attractive in the morning.
Biggest Weakness: Boyfriend.
Last Game: Defeated Berry Tramel 360 - 129

About (3) Joleen Chaney
Conference: Hot Female News Reporters
Who she is: Hot Anchor and News Reporter for KFOR Channel 4
Biggest Strength: Looking attractive and reporting the news...even from Pauls Valley.
Biggest Weakness: Grady County Politicians
Last Game: Defeated Emily Virgin 351 -145