So it begins! Today we start the first round of Ogle Madness IV with match-ups coming from the upper half of the Northeast Region.
Before we get to today's games, here's a quick update on our contest. We are extending the deadline to email your Ogle Madness pick to Midnight tonight. Remember, if you correctly predict this year's champion you can win a $4,300 Body Sculpting Package from Body Trends Electrospa. All you have do is email your selection to win the tournament to For complete rules, check out our post from Friday.
Anyway, here are today's match-ups.
(1) Gary England vs. (16) Crosstown Bridge
(8) Kings of Leon vs. (9) Al Eschbach
(4) Toby Keith vs. (13) The Autistic Diaper Bandit
(5) Ashlynn Brooke vs. (12) Tom Coburn
Read more about each contender and vote after jump. Also, here are the brackets (Ogle Madness IV PDF) if you want to take another look.
(1) Gary England vs. (16) Crosstown Bridge
About Gary England:
Conference: Heroic Weather Deities
Who he is: Chief Meteorologist for KWTV Channel 9
Biggest Strength: Being able to not only control all weather events in Oklahoma, but keeping us advised while doing so.
Biggest Weakness: Losing Val on the gentner.
About The Crosstown Bridge:
Conference: Deadly and Frightening Highways
What it is: Section of I-40 that runs by downtown Oklahoma City.
Biggest Strength: The ability to scare the living shit out of people.
Biggest Weakness: Providing a safe and enjoyable ride through central Oklahoma City.
(8) Kings of Leon vs. (9) Al Eschbach
About Kings of Leon
Conference: Respectable Oklahoma Musicians
Who they are: Superstar rock band with Oklahoma roots
Biggest Strength: Playing radio friendly yet somewhat respectable rock music.
Biggest Weakness: Use Somebody.
About Al Eschbach
Conference: Midget Sports Talk Radio Hosts
Who he is: Sports Talk Host and OU super-homer for The Sports Animal
Biggest Strength: Being able to discuss any topic regarding University of Oklahoma athletics.
Biggest Weakness: Being able to discuss any topic regarding any other sporting topic.
(4) Toby Keith vs. (13) The Autistic Diaper Bandit
About Toby Keith
Conference: Redneck Country Music Legends
Who he is: Country Music Superstar
Biggest Strength: Being able to perform unoriginal country music about stereotypical redneck topics.
Biggest Weakness: Producing and acting in good movies.
The Autistic Diaper Bandit
Conference: Disturbed weirdos
Who he is: 21 year old man man who posed as an autistic boy so that baby sitters would change his diaper.
Biggest Strength: The ability to impersonate Rainman.
Biggest Weakness: Getting aroused when a woman would change his diaper.
(5) Ashlynn Brooke vs. (12) Tom Coburn
About Ashlynn Brooke
Conference: Oklahoma Porn Stars
Who she is: Adult Film Actress
Biggest Strength: Uhm...her acting ability.
Biggest Weakness: Uhm...her acting ability.
About Tom Coburn
Conference: Whacko Senators of Oklahoma
Who he is: United States Senator from Oklahoma
Biggest Strength: Growing a beard and sticking to his misguided convictions.
Biggest Weakness: Logic and reason.
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