If you drive around Oklahoma City, you may have noticed an abundance of billboards that look like the one above. The billboards are for Harry Johnson's campaign to be the Republican nominee for Oklahoma's 5th congressional seat. Harry Johnson. Nothing funny about that, right?
Anyway, just so you know this isn't a joke, here's a bit about Harry from his website:
If you need an appendectomy, you probably want a surgeon who has done a few.
The Country needs jobs, so why would we send to Congress yet another career politician who has never created a job ?
My name is Harry Johnson, and I'm not one of them. No, I'm someone who has spent his life creating jobs right here in Oklahoma.
Despite that inspirational job creating message, Harry Johnson is trailing in the polls and is considered a long shot to win the Republican nomination. We think this is because Harry Johnson lacks a quality campaign slogan. A man like Harry Johnson needs a campaign slogan that people will remember; a slogan that will inspire; a slogan that will get people to vote for Harry Johnson.
We provide our top 10 after the jump.
10. Harry Johnson: Hard on sex offenders.
9. When you think of integrity, Harry Johnson comes first
8. Kids love Harry Johnson
7. Harry Johnson will manscape the federal budget
6. When things get sticky, Harry Johnson will not pull out
5. Harry Johnson: Sticking it to career politicians
4. Every criminal will face a stiff penalty under Harry Johnson
3. Teachers need Harry Johnson
2. Put Harry Johnson in and watch him work
1. Harry Johnson: Anyone else is a pussy
If Harry Johnson would have used any of those slogans, I bet there's a good chance he'd be leading the race to be our next US congressman. This would be especially true if he was a Democrat.
Anyway, I'm sure there are some slogans that we missed. You should probably post some in the comments.