Regular Jim Traber and I don't agree on very many things. We do agree on this:
Jenni Carlson is a terrible sports columnist
That being said, the big difference between me and Regular Jim Traber is that Traber still reads Jenni Carlson columns. We know this because he talks about her columns on the Sports Animal.
I think the last time I read a Jenni Carlson column that didn't have anything to do with Bobby Reid and fried chicken was when she looked like she does in the picture above. That's why it's hard for me to cast my approve/dissapprove vote. Hell, for all I know she could now be the second-coming of David Halberstam, Bob Ryan or Dan Lebatard. I guess I'll never know.
Anyway, cast your vote for Jenni after the jump.
Bob Barry Jr. only received a 48% approval rating. In my opinion, that's about 47% too high.