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Is 105.3 The Spy coming back??? (63)

Last night, we received the following email.  It was short, it was kind of mysterious, and to date, may be the best email we've ever received:

check out....

; )

Holy shit.  If this email and the link it points to is legit"” and considering the source it should be "” it looks like 105.3 The Spy is returning to the Oklahoma City airwaves.For those who don't know, 105.3 The Spy was a staticky, weak-signaled station that played new indie rock and vintage  alternative from that 80s and 90s.  Its return would be the best thing to happen to the OKC radio market since Jim Traber got fired.  Wait.  That still hasn't happened.  Nevermind.

Anyway, the return of The Spy would be amazing news.  As tribute to its hopeful return, here is some 1990's Indie Rock.  I can't wait to hear music like this on the radio again.  I also can't wait for Jesse Jane to return my phone calls.  Maybe that will happen next!

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