One of my favorite things about this website is getting to interview local "celebrities" for our Lost Ogle Q & A's. It's fun to ask silly questions to politicians, media personalities and porn stars. It's even more fun when they answer those questions!
Today I get to publish a little interview with former OU superstar Brian Bosworth. This is special. As an OU fan growing up in the 1980s, it was a requirement for me to be a fan of this guy. I remember playing little league football and all the kids wanting to be #44. I got stuck with #56 and ended up playing Center. I never liked little league football.
Anyway, after the jump find out if Brian shot machine guns off the Bud Wilkinson House, if he sends Bo Jackson a Christmas Card and if he's ever gotten drunk with Jamelle Holieway.
p.s. "“ Everything is [sic]. Ever think you would see the day when we would use that!
Q: Thanks so much for doing this interview. As a kid, you were my favorite Sooner player. That being said, you turned me into a Seattle Seahawks fan during the late 1980s. For that, I think you owe me a big apology.
A: Pretty sure that is not a question..however, if you have ever been to Seattle you would not need an apology just an umbrella. It may be the best looking city under the rain and they brew their own beer.
Q: How often do you get back to Oklahoma? When you're here, what are some of the things you do?
A: I have been traveling back to Oklahoma quite a lot lately. I have been doing business there and look forward to spending more time there in the near future. When I'm there I feel like I am traveling from one end of the state to the other. My company (Bison Capital) visits a lot of the casinos and Tradition 8ght is an exciting new venture as well. I am also working on bringing Baby Blues BBQ into Oklahoma soon. It is a "SICK" southern, soul bbq restaurant. Not disrespecting the bbq spots in OK but I think Baby Blues is amazing..You'll see..maybe
Q: Yeah, those new "Burnt Orange Makes Me Puke" t-shirts that picture the "Boz" are pretty damn cool. How'd those come about?
A: I can tolerate most things. Old people behind the wheel of a car, people with bad breath, people from England, Mexicans that pretend they don't speak English, Obama for 4 years, but the sound of the fffing "Eyes of Texas" theme song, that stuuuuupid cow bell (which I think is the way Texas Longhorns males call their female cows to mate), and the color of burnt orange makes my gag reflex spasm...I think there should be a law that if you wear burnt orange anyone can kidney shot ya...
Q: Any chance we can get your t-shirt guys to make a "National Communists Against Athletes" shirt, too?
A: Yes, I think so..how true is it now that it is worse than ever...The NCAA still exploits their athletes, they still control who is crowned as the National Champion with that Bullshit Chump Spectacle (BCS)..If they really, really, really, cared about the players and coaches that pour their hearts and souls into being the best and the fans that truly care for their teams to the point they stand in freezing rain, shirtless and painted in hopes their team could have a shot of winning the illusive National Championship..only to be denied because they don't have common sense to work out a system that is fair to ALL teams...It is call PLAYOFFS...It would make the bowls relevant and keep the fans of the game engaged...the month of December is spent off for the entire month while waiting to play...football is a game of rhythm and timing. Use the month to determine who earns the right to play for the National Championship...Basketball does it..Baseball does it...why can't Football??? Hell even Obama figured it out...Come on let's be democratic about it and let the fans and coaches VOTE on it. I bet there would not be any hanging chads...CAN YOU SAY LANDSLIDE???
Q: OU has produced many talented linebackers this past decade. Guys like Rocky Calmus, Teddy Lehman, and Curtis Lofton. Who do you think has been the best Sooner linebacker under Stoops, and how do they compare to you?
A: Oklahoma teams have always been proud of their defenses, and the linebackers have always been important to the dominance of the defense. Linebackers are only as good as the defensive line that allows them to roam and dominate. The great ones have great lines in front of them and this years crop has one of the best lines in recent years. It is hard to rate the players to the way I was. Remember my coach (Switz) allowed a lot more freedom of expression than does Stoops. Or maybe there just aren't any other crazzzzies like me. I do appreciate the way Ryan #4 plays. He does bring a lot of heart and makes a bunch of plays. I would like to see a linebacker who wants to truly punish an opponent. That comes from a dark place one can only get to if he is willing to care nothing about what happens to him. You have to be willing to die by the sword even when you don't have one.
Q: You've probably been asked thousands of times what you liked most about being a Sooner. What I want to know is what you liked the least. There has to be something.
A: Being a Sooner was a dream come true for me. Being a relevant player on a National Championship team was icing on the cake. As far as the only negative that I have is not coming back to play my last year. I listened to people that cared about themselves instead of me. My heart told me to come back and if I had I believe we would have beaten the Miami Hurricanes for my final game and exact my revenge and I would have help bring another National Championship home. I am still haunted by that decision. That one hurts.
Q: Back in the 80s, did you ever get really bored and go shoot machine guns from the top of the Bud Wilkinson House with all the other football players?
A: Rednecks don't have machine guns we have shotguns...We eat what we kill...machine guns kill people..people are not on the food chain...
Q: In "Bootlegger's Boy," Barry Switzer wrote an open letter to the "real" Brian Bosworth. In "The Boz", did you consider writing a letter to the sober Barry Switzer?
A: Barry Switzer is one of the most important people in my life...all he has ever wanted for me is to be the best I could be...he was just reminding me, Brian is in control of The Boz and not the other way around...sometimes you need the important people in your life to direct you back in the right direction...I think he understands his players more than any coach in the history of the game...he is a great friend
Q: Have you ever got drunk with Jamelle Holieway?
A: I have not"¦but if I were to throw a few back with him I would try to remind him how lucky he is and make him realize he represents the past, present, and future athletes by the decisions he makes, it is never too late to pay it forward, we cannot live in our past..don't tell me how great you were, show me how great you are...
Q: Did you play football with Steve Largent? If so, was he as boring and lame then as he is now?
A: Steve is a quality human being...cares a great deal about everyone around him first before he thinks of himself...that is an awesome trait. If I were building a team I would pick Steve as one of my first leaders...You don't have to be outside the box to be a special person...
Q: I have to ask. Have you ever sent Bo Jackson a Christmas card?
A: I think Bo should send me one...he has received more from that one play than any player I have ever seen...If it was 1st and 10 from the 50 yard line, then after that play, it would have been 2nd and 5 from the 45..COME ON..but in the meantime..Merry X-mas Bo...Maybe it should be Trick or Treat instead...
Q: My favorite line from Stone Cold is when Chains says "God forgives. The Brotherhood doesn't." What's your favorite line from the movie?
A: I have two..."I don't believe a beautiful woman is something you give away" and "Imagine the future Chains, cuz your not in it".....
Q: Speaking of Stone Cold, the hairstyle you sported in that film is one of the greatest mullets of all time. Didn't you have special a name for it?
A: UUUUH, Dude it is called "THE BOZ" duhhh!!!
Q: Seriously, how'd you come up with that cut? Where you inspired by Spike from Gremlins?
A: Like most great discoveries..it evolved from a mistake to a masterpiece...believe me there were times I look at myself before I walked out of the Camille's shop and thought to myself, " Dude I look retarded, oh well just go with it" It was like the first time you look down and see hair down there, a little embarrassed but excited at the same time...the more it grows the more swagger you have..
Q: You were a color commentator for the XFL. Did you ever find yourself providing analysis of a long run by He Hate Me, and then suddenly think to yourself, "What the f*ck am I doing here?"
A: From the moment I took the gig I thought that...We didn't know what we were doing...the instructions were simple..DO NOT sound like the NFL commentators..they wanted shock...Vince McMann was always in my headphones telling me to talk about the boobs of the cheerleaders...Dude there is a football game going on!!!
Q: This past spring, you administered to CPR to a guy in a parking lot after leaving a function at my old high school. Can we call you Super Boz?
A: Hummm "SuperBoz" that sounds fun, do I get to fly? Seriously though, I wasn't thinking about anything other than helping this man. My adrenalin was flying and all I was thinking was this was someone's father, husband and he could not help himself...I'm just glad I paid attention during the CPR course I took.
Q: What are you predictions for the rest of the Sooner football season? And if you ever get the opportunity, can you do all Oklahoma Sooner fans a favor and punch Regular Jim Traber?
A: When you have key injuries on your team, everyone has to step up their intensity...the defense has certainly done that and if you want to win championships, then you have to have a dominate defense...the players have a tremendous amount of pride and I have seen that in their eyes..Landry is more than capable of taking charge of the offense..the offensive line has to keep building on their toughness...keep smashing the opponents defenses in the mouth...the schedule may look tough but remember you only have to play 1 team at a time...We are talented enough to handle everyone on our schedule, The only team that can beat Oklahoma is Oklahoma...the players and coaches will look at each other and they will take care of themselves...BTW who is Jim Traber???
Q: Thanks so much for your time and for the interview. We have one final question: can we get some free t-shirts?
A: For sure...as long as you don't sleep in it as your night shirt...your girl can though, but don't be a hater if she won't take it off when "IT" happens...Just go with it!!!!