Yesterday, it was announced that Ree Drummond's blog "Confessions of a Pioneer Women" was named the "Weblog of the Year" at the 2009 Bloggies. In addition to that, her impractical blog about living a sophisticated lifestyle on a rural Oklahoma ranch also was named "Best Designed Blog" and "Best Photography Blog." Here is what she said about it all on Twitter:
My armpits are adequately saturated. I am in shock and trembling. Thank you guys.
Yeah...even though I don't really identify with her content and can't understand why her blog's so popular, I guess it's pretty cool that an Oklahoma blog was voted the world's best blog. I guess this just goes to show that mommy bloggers control other things than just the Okie Blog Awards. Thank god they never discovered Ogle Madness.
Anyway, I wish The Pioneer Women would use some of her clout and power to drive traffic to other Oklahoma blogs...especially those blogs that write about other things than man-food recipes, dog photos or living a privileged life on a cattle ranch that's owned by one of the wealthiest families in Oklahoma. You know, your regular old "obscure, local social blog" that post pictures of cardboard cutouts at gay pride festivals, hot news anchors and a 90's music video every Saturday morning.