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OKC Music

2 a.m. Wake-up Call

I lived in the dorms at OU for two years. One year too long to get any sort of credibility or respect from our predominately Tri-Delt and Theta hall. Few people really talked to my roommate and I once they found out we were sophomores, we hadn't pledged the year before, and that we were almost twenty. Like, OMG.

There were a couple of girls at the end of the hall that were nice to us though, when they passed by and our door was open or when we ended up in an elevator with them or something. Then their crew (which I'm pretty sure was actually the 7 brothers they shared between them -- they were all 6'3"ish, had crossed eyes, and may have been from Idabel. Establishing a location that I think explains the crossed eyes and blank expressions.) started showing up and glancing menacingly into our open room and they weren't so friendly anymore. However, they were kind enough to share their music with our hall, the hall across from us, and probably the two above and below. Well after visiting hours and usually after the aroma of vomit deposited in front of my door had faded.

Thanks to YouTube, I believe I've figured out what was going on down there. Presenting "OU's finest"...

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