A little over a month ago, we revealed to the world that Dave Morris"“the anchorman dude"“has a big ego. Now I guess we know why. Apparently, the girl pictured above (and here and here and here) is his girlfriend. We know this because he has about 5,000 pictures of her on his MySpace Page. I guess I can't blame him. If this chick was my girlfriend I'd probably have a shrine dedicated to her somewhere in my basement or attic. Or at least in a small Kenny's Shoes box in my hall closet. I'd also remove the red eye from her photographs.
Anyway, after seeing this chick, I think we can say that Dave Morris has skyrocketed past Brent Skarky as the biggest douche bag in the Oklahoma City media. Hell...just look at everything Dave's accomplished. He's:
1: Scored a hot chick who is way out of his league
2: Demanded to be 2-letters in a Scrabble group costume
3: Posted these "I am too cool" pictures on his MySpace Page:
4: Plays the keyboard in an "alternative" band"Falcon Five-O."
Seriously, I think Dave should quit his job and become one of those "I did it and so can YOU!" motivational speakers who places tiny classified ads in newspapers and teaches douche bag success seminars for only $50. I know I'd sign up. Hell, he's already motivated Tony, Clark, my perverted roommate and I to start an alternative rock band called "Powerlines Down." However, we do need a bass player and gentner operator. Contact us if you are interested.
(p.s.-Sorry if this sucks for my 100th post. Hopefully, we'll have more Lauren soon.)
UPDATE: Dave has decided to make his MySpace Page private. What a douche bag.