For some reason, I couldn't find any good picture for our "Hottest Women in the OKC Media" power poll, so I figured this picture of Gan Matthews would suffice. I figured this because Gan Matthews may possibly make our "10 Hottest Men in the OKC Media" power poll that comes out next week. Yeah...we're actually going to do that.
Anyway, back to what we really care about, and that's the girls. First, we'll recap 20-11. The final 10 will show up after the jump. Enjoy.
Why she should be higher: Just take a look at the picture for a second. If you like the picture, then Jaime should be higher.
Why she should be lower: Her bio says she has a major sweet tooth and that her family owns a chocolate factory. That could mean "big" problems down the road.
Why she should be higher: She looks a whole whole whole lot better than she does in the picture above. Seriously, Sana is hot. The only problem is that you have to watch the Channel 25 news to figure it out.
Why she should be lower: Maybe she really does look like the picture above.
Why she should be higher: Before joining the Fox 25 Morning Show, Angie was a sports anchor. Good looking girls that like sports are cool.
Why she should be lower: It seems that her favorite sport is hockey. That means that she probably wears baggy sweaters and goes to Blazers games. That's not hot!
Why she should be higher: Remember in middle school when you had that rich friend with the hot mom that drove a gold or silver SUV. Remember when you'd go to your friend's house after school and his Mom would make nice things like a glass of Tang or freshly cut apples slices with creamy peanut butter. But remember when you quit going over there because your friend's mom had an affair with some dude and his parents ended up divorced. Odds are, that kid's mom probably looked a lot like Robin Marsh.
Why she should be lower: When Robin smiles, she can kind of look like some of the people in the Black Hole Sun video.
Why she should be higher: Melissa seems to be very well behaved when she's around insanely loud dork guys. This bodes well for us, and especially Clark Matthews. If you need proof, watch the first 15 seconds of this video. Also, if you click that link, check out the bottom of the page.
Why she should be lower: Like most reporters, she kisses ass too much. Her bio she says, "I can't believe how fortunate I am to be paid for doing this exciting and important work. Oklahoma is awesome (and so is the football)!" Whatever. If you are not from Oklahoma and the move here for a job it is a requirement to hate the University of Oklahoma football team. I know I would.
Why she should be higher: Yeah. That's me with Jessica. And yeah, I may of photoshopped myself into the picture to cover up the ghey dude she's with, but if I have my arm around a girl, you can damn bet that she's smoking hot. Just ask my friends.
Why she should be lower: She digs boot camp and body sculpting. Sure, it keeps her in shape and all, but who (other than Tony or Jack Bowen) would like a girl who can kick his ass.
Why she should be higher: Maggie has a blog. Granted, her posts are about things like Garth Brooks not performing at the Centennial Concert or pretty wedding dresses or recipes, but it's a start. She also belongs to a group called the Landrunners. This means she runs. We (and my perverted roommate) like girls who run.
Maggie. We know you read The Lost Ogle each and every day. Now put down your $2,000 handbag, leave the weird rose tattoo on your lower back alone and add us to your "cool links" section.
Why she should be higher: Amy is the girl in the pink bikini. Enough said. Buy the shirt here.
Why she should be lower: The picture has to be at least a few years old. Rumor has it that Amy has been seeing a plastic surgeon. Stop it Amy, before it's too late!
Why she should be higher: She can't. However, I must admit that I was surprised that Lauren ran away with this power poll. But the picture above is a good picture, and name me a man or women who doesn't like a good tall, hot blond chick.
Anyway, that's it. Like last time, feel welcomed to leave a comments, just try not to be too mean or derogatory towards the beautiful women on our list. And if you need a refresher on 11-20, click here.