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You may not have known it, but has an email address.  Since we don't have time to respond to the large volume of email we receive, we like to share some of the better ones in this feature that we call The Lost Ogle mailbag.

Do you have any plans for other drinking games?John R., Edmond

Not currently. We have considered the KREF drinking game, but figured no one would read it. Clark had a good idea that involved playing strip poker with Jessica Schambach, but it ended up being just an idea, and not a drinking game, although it did involve alcohol.

I loved the wall-to-wall coverage you all provided of "Saving Grace." What happened to it?Ham D., Oklahoma City

It looks like the build up to "˜Saving Grace' was a whole lot better than the actual show. I lost all interest when Grace and her partner had sex and hunted deer with handguns at the Martin Park Nature Center, and afterwards, tied a dead deer to the hood of their bronco.

What is on Audra's shirt in that picture you posted of the Morning Animals? Does she leak? I have to know!Dean B., Edmond

I'm not sure what that is, but thanks for pointing it out. This proves that you need to be really careful when you wear all white and work next to Mike Steely.

Which Ogle brother owns this blog?Jim T., Norman

The lost one, obviously. Actually, the original idea for the site was As you can see, it was taken.

Did you just steal that from A., Oklahoma City


Who do you think is better looking? Curtis Fitzpatrick or Van Shea Ivan?Bikerfox, Tulsa

I'm probably not the best person to ask.  Maybe we can get some feedback from one of our three many female readers or Bob Barry Jr.

Is Ross Dixon alive? Or does the Oklahoma News Report just recycle old footage of him for every newscast.Gary E., Seiling

According to the OETA website, Ross was born in Muskogee in 1942. They didn't mention a death or anything, so I assume he's living. Also, kudos to you (and the 18 other people in this state) who watch the Oklahoma News Report.

Where can I get kid's toys welded for free?Clark M., The Village

I have no clue. Try a muffler shop.

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