If you’re on the hunt for a scrappy for-profit enterprise to support this Giving Tuesday, have we got a deal for you!
Until the end of this week, we’re offering a $29.99, 50%-off deal on all new annual site subscriptions as part of our annual TLO Anniversary Sale!

Yep, that’s right. For a monthly cost that’s less than a single peppermint latte from Harbor Mountain Coffee House in McAlester, you can get 24/7 access to TLO, commenting privileges, and experience the fulfilling, lustful joy of supporting local media.
Here’s the catchy jingle we put together (which may or may not have the same melody as a local jewelry ad):
Supporting media is very cool, especially the ones that rule and rule!
So support the site we hope won’t fail, it’s The Lost Ogle… Anniversary Sale!
Most news is boring or biased, but ours is fake and true,
We roast the state, the scandals, too, in a way that’s just for you!
At Oklahoma’s oldest social blog, that hates Ryan Walters too,
So click subscribe, you know it’s swell, with The Lost Ogle… Anniversary Sale!
That won’t get us sued, will it?
Anyway, this is probably the cheapest our annual subscriptions will ever be, so make sure to take us up on the offer.

Until then…
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.