Cut the ribbons, polish the trophy, and send the judges home! The 2024 TLO Oklahoma Mugshot of the Year has officially been released!
Last week, both KFOR and News 9 told us about the plight of Zachary Roberts – a Stroud man who looks like he’s been repeatedly struck in the head with a hammer – threatening to hit some pesky kids at a school bus stop with a hammer.
I'm pretty sure the only reason they covered the story was due to Taylor’s mugshot – a viral-ready M.I.O. classic that grabs attention and refuses to let go.
Check it out:

Yikes, is that a mugshot or his audition photo for COPS?! He kind of looks like Rorschach and Lenny from The Simpsons mated and had a kid who grew up to be a meth addict.
“Really, Patrick? You’re mocking this guy’s mugshot. He’s obviously dealing with some sort of mental illness or addiction. How dare you! You’re a sad piece of shit!”
Listen, imaginary woke commenter in my head…
First of all, I know plenty of mentally ill people and drug addicts, and they’re not threatening to bash kids' heads in with hammers while, ironically enough, looking like their own heads have been repeatedly bashed in with one! I want to be clear – this guy is not representative of all mentally ill people or those who wake and bake to meth, eight balls, and crack cocaine every morning.
Second, you’re not wrong.
Yes, sharing funny mugshots of dumb criminals, famous celebrities, and hot women is low-hanging journalism fruit – an exploitative, low-class move that fosters and encourages public shaming and group bullying.
That being said, at least I have the courage and dignity to call it what it is!
The cowardly legitimate media folks at News 9 and KFOR actually tried to present this as an important news story complete with facts and details, and never once admitted the whole motivation was to experience some pure, unfiltered clickbait gold!
Maybe that’s why we’re the state’s most trusted non-award-winning news source—we’re not afraid to grab the low-hanging fruit, smash it with a hammer, and place it where it belongs – in the Oklahoma Mug Shot Hall of Fame right next to previous inductees like...
Darth Tulsan…

The Golden Huffer…

Sleeping Beauty...

Tears of a Clown...

and Pork Butt...

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.