Thanks to a tip from The Ogle Mole Network, we’ve learned that Storme Jones – the Yukon Eagle Scout turned turbo-charged news anchor and reporter – has parted ways with News 9 and Griffin Communications.
Yep, that’s right. Call Grandma and make sure she’s sitting down! Her seven-day forecast is now Storme-free!
If you recall, this move comes only six months after Storme was moved from the morning couch back to the noon anchor desk as part of the station’s morning and afternoon “restructuring.” It also curiously coincides with Channel 5’s re-launch of their 11am news broadcast.
Here’s an internal announcement about the move that we acquired via The Ogle Mole Network:

I’ll be honest with you, I’m a bit surprised to see Storme’s hot air balloon go pop!
First of all, he’s a young white male who perfectly fit News 9's suburban “Oklahoma’s Own” cross-wall image.
Second, he wasn’t pregnant! That’s usually one of the first things they look for when making staff cuts.
News 9 Lays Off Pregnant Meteorologist Amid Morning Show “Restructure”
— The Lost Ogle (@TheLostOgle) April 11, 2024
They're also moving Storme Jones to a different shift and doing away with the 4am local news broadcast.
Seriously though, I wonder what happened here?
Ever since they sent him out into the field to dodge rubber bullets, tear gas canisters, and Jim Gardner’s racial profiling during the 2020 protest-riot-demonstrations, it looked like News 9 was grooming Storme for local news stardom, giving him the coveted morning couch to mingle with Lacy, Lacie, and whatever it is Jed is supposed to do.
Now, only four years later, he’s looking for a new gig.
According to my Moles, it seems that relations between Storme and News 9 have been icy since the shake-up back in April, and it's probably better for both parties to have a clean break.
That being said, you have to wonder if something else got in the way?
For example, I wonder if Storme was caught using Smucker’s jelly instead of Griffin’s in the News 9 breakroom, or caught leaving old teleprompter scripts outside the dumpster for Kelly Ogle to munch on. My Moles say both are now grounds for immediate termination.
Either way, we wish Storme the best of luck in landing on his feet. If I were KFOR, I’d be reaching out to his agent right now. Can you imagine Storme Jones and Dylan Brown on the same news beat? They could call them the “In Your Corner Boys” and sic them after bad contractors, roofers, and other local fraudsters. The city would never be the same.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.