I have an IQ over 80, am easily annoyed by dumb people, and worst of all, know how to read, so I try to do whatever I can to stay away from that 100-proof digital poison we all know as TikTok.
Sadly, every now and then some local story pops up and draws me into that idiocratic world that kills more human brain cells than marijuana, oxygen deprivation, and background radiation combined.
For example…
Last night, I learned about Candace & Wesley "Nysm" – a married pair of social media attention seekers (a.k.a. influencers) who look like they're from Moore and have amassed a large following on the platform.
For the most part, their videos are typical and forgettable TikTok fare – quick hitters that capture the boring, mundane details of family life that some real-life humans who still watch American Idol find entertaining.
But that's not all!
Thanks to KOCO, we've learned they also dabble in a popular and lucrative topic that really gets the likes, engagements, and ad-sharing revenue flowing – making up sensational fabricated tales and then presenting them as truth!
Earlier this week, Wesley – a crypto bro who claims he’s made millions hawking a “100% guaranteed to work” cryptocurrency trading system – shared a sensational, hard-to-believe story about how the OKCPD SWAT team swarmed his house after his daughter accidentally called 911 while he was playing Fortnite or something.
The story doesn’t contain a punchline, joke, or any disclaimer that what he’s telling you is false. Instead, he passes the entire thing off as the truth.
Check this out:
@candacenysm THE SWAT TEAM CAME! Insane #storytime 🫣 #toddlersoftiktok #viral #trending
♬ original sound - Candace
I guess Wesley’s “story” went a little too viral and caught the attention of the journalism gumshoes at Channel 5.
They hit up OKCPD for more info and learned that Wesley's story was a complete and total lie. They then sent the liar a DM asking for more info.
Check out his reply:
Oklahoma City Police Department officials told KOCO 5 that their SWAT team did not respond to an incident matching what was described in the video. We also confirmed that the alleged news story shown was fabricated.
KOCO 5 Reporter Dacoda Wahpekeche reached out to the owner of the TikTok account, who said that "the video is satire."
Listen. I can tolerate some crypto bro scammer making up shit on the Internet in a pathetic effort to achieve viral fame. I’m sure it happens all the time, but on behalf of all real satirists, I can’t stand idly by and let this schmuck hide behind the satire label!
First of all, that's not how satire works!
It's an art form that relies on wit, irony, exaggeration, and humor to critique or mock institutions, culture, and individuals – including the desperate lowlives who make up shit on the internet!
Also, whether it’s super obvious, or very subtle and flies over most people’s heads, there has to be an inkling of a clue that what you’re doing is actual satire. You just can’t make something up, present it as the truth, and then claim it’s satire after you get caught by the local news!
To make matters worse, when people like that numbnut wrongly hide behind the satire label, it makes it even more difficult for legitimate satirists like me to do the same thing!
“Patrick! I can’t believe you called Carly Atchison a..."
“Hey, take it easy. It’s satire!"
Seriously, Wesley needs to keep satire out of his mouth, and I'll keep it out of his mom! I advise he stick to stuff that's more honest and reputable – like selling crypto trading super system scams.
Wait. That's not honest or reputable at all! I was just messing around with you and doing a little bit of satire! Wee-hee-hee.
As you can probably tell, lying about stuff in an effort to get likes and attention seems to be part of this guy’s MO.
I’d bet a pile of alt-coin tokens that these other "stories" he's presented as real-life tales are also lies:
@candacenysm ANOTHER WESLEY STORYTIME 🫡 This is what happens when you try to do something good 🥴 #motherhood #momlife #family #momtok #Lifestyle #MomsofTikTok #storytime #target
♬ original sound - Candace
@candacenysm The fact that she LEFT HER KID🥴😮💨 #motherhood #momlife #family #momtok #Lifestyle #grwm #storytime #husbandwife #shoplifter
♬ original sound - Candace
Anyway, I guess this story should remind everyone to...
A) Not believe everything you hear online, especially in a cesspool like TikTok.
B) Remember that if you’re going to make up a fanciful lie to go viral on social media, make sure it can't be refuted by the cops.
C) Don't hide behind the satire label if you are caught lying, because then a real satirist may come after you.
D) Become an online Forex trader trainer – a 100% legitimate, reputable, and lucrative way to make a living.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.