Ryan Langston-Walters's plan to destroy Oklahoma public education from the inside is still going well!
Over the past couple of days, I’ve learned that more well-respected people who have dedicated their lives and careers to serving Oklahoma students and teachers have left the Oklahoma Department of Education, all disheartened and deflated by the agency's toxic culture and intentionally inept mismanagement style of Ryan Langston-Walters.
In fact, things are getting so bad that even one of Ryan’s earliest benefactors — former OU football meathead Trent Smith — announced he's stepped down from the State Board of Education!
This is notable because Trent is the guy who helped launch Ryan's reign of terror when he gave the patriotic American history teacher with no management experience a six-figure salary to lead the Every Kid Counts Oklahoma non-profit grift. Here's a pic of Trent at a recent board meeting:

Yep, things are so bad that Ryan's Dr. Frankenstein is running for the hills to seek cover, unable to control the public education-destroying monster he happily recruited, funded, enabled, and then unleashed on the villagers.
Well, at least that’s what some people want you to believe.
Although Trent Smith – a colleague of the Epic Charter school guys – is all about defunding public education and diverting taxpayer funds to homeschool moms, private school theocrats, and his YPO charter school grifter buddies, some people tell me even he’s grown disenchanted by Walters's intentional incompetence and dependence on a Texas political provocateur to destroy the agency from the inside.
I’m not sure I totally buy it.
Deep down, I bet Trent is loving all the chaos and destruction Walters has caused and gets a kick out of watching the village burn like OU’s secondary over the last 20 years.
But enough about an ex-jock who leads a secretive organization that's infiltrated Oklahoma government at all levels and made his money contracting deadly healthcare to prisoners. Let’s talk about the regular old middle-class folks who have been forced to abandon their careers – and Oklahoma students – to save themselves from the monster Trent created.
Thanks to the Ogle Mole Network, I've learned that three more well-respected members of the agency have resigned over the past couple of days.
They are:

1. Sarah Kirk – School Counselor Specialist
Sarah's a former Oklahoma Counselor of the Year and a National School Counselor of the Year finalist. She was well-respected by her peers who actually support and care about Oklahoma students. Here's the classy farewell email she sent to her co-workers and colleagues…

2. Debbie Enos – Executive Director of Academic Grants
According to my Moles, Debbie was the only person left on staff who knew how to write and apply for federal grants. Since Ryan is apparently following through with his plans to reject federal education funding, I guess her services were no longer needed! Is this a great state or what?!

3. Blaire Harrison - Director of Prevention Services
Prevention Services develops evidence-based programs, policies, and practices to help students who deal with abuse, bullying, mental health crises, drug abuse, etc. You know, all the real-life "woke" things Oklahoma public school students face while Walters and Co. are trying to ban library books and defund schools.
Here's her farewell email...

It should be noted that these three smart, hardworking, well-respected women are only a few of the dozens and dozens and dozens of employees who have fled the agency since Ryan Walters took over.
Something tells me they won't be the last ones to do so. Whether they're being fired or Milton'ed out of work, there's an employee purge going on at the agency that makes you wonder whether or not there will be a functional Department of Education in a few months.
If you know of any employees who have left or are leaving the Oklahoma Department of Education, shoot us an email so we can let everyone know about it.
Until then, stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.