Sound the tornado sirens and fire up the Doppler – your weekday mornings are becoming a little brighter!
Just in time for this weekend’s hyped severe weather event, KFOR announced that Severe Weather Princess Emily Sutton has returned to the morning airwaves after spending three months away on socialistic maternity leave so that she could raise her daughter, Ginny, in the ways of the Oklahoma weather force.
Just in time for spring, KFOR’s Emily Sutton is back from maternity leave.
After spending almost three months at home with her daughter Ginny, Emily is back on air on weekday mornings.
“I’m happy to see all my friends and coworkers again. It’s just like riding a bike, you just gotta jump back in,” Sutton said.
She says she missed everyone at the station and missed the viewers, but loved spending her time at home with Ginny.
Before we continue, we should probably congratulate Emily and Michael on the birth of their little raindrop.
I guess Ginny was born back in November and I totally missed it. Hard to believe, huh?
If this had happened 10 years ago, Clark Matthews, Tony, and I probably would have made a trek on horseback to the birthing center at the National Weather Service headquarters in Norman bearing gold, frankincense, and myrrh to celebrate the virgin birth. Now we’re finding out about three months after the fact! To the 100 or so people who still watch local news, we apologize for failing you.
Here's a pic of the happy family:

Wow. That’s adorable. What a sweet happy family, huh?
Once again, we’d like to congratulate Emily and hunky Michael on the little addition to their family. I’ve been a parent for nearly five years now, and it really is the best thing in the world, even in the moments when it feels like it’s not. I can’t wait to watch Ginny grow over the years, and – like her mom – learn to craft her own rainbows and sunsets in the Oklahoma sky.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.