Over the past year, Oklahomans were alerted to a wide variety of government-backed scams, cons, and schemes that successfully grifted tens of millions of dollars from Oklahoma taxpayers. In fact, there have been so many financial scandals in the news that it's hard to keep them all straight!
As a result, I thought it would be fun to put together a little trivia quiz that covers some of the scams and schemes involving Oklahoma government that have bubbled to the surface over the past six months or so. I figured it would not only be a good way to stay informed, but also test your knowledge!
We rattled off the questions first and put all the answers at the bottom. Also, if you're a trivia junkie that like good food, drink and company, stop by any Hoot Industries FREE Team Trivia Night. You can have free fun and win money in the process!

#1. Which Oklahoma City news channel broke the big story about Stitt and the Oklahoma Ruling Class's secret plans to build a new Governor's Mansion?
A: KFOR Channel 4 (OKC) B: KWTV News 9 (OKC) C: KJRH Channel 2 (Tulsa) D: Cable 10 (Aurora)

#2. Which one of the following Oklahoma State Parks was never blessed with a Swadley's Foggy Bottom Kitchen?
A: Lake Murray B: Little Sahara C: Quartz Mountain D: Roman Nose

#3. From 2014 to 2020, which Oklahoma politician accepted $52,000 in campaign donations from the Epic Charter Schools conmen – almost double that of any other individual?
A: Kevin Stitt B: Joy Hofmeister C. James Lankford D. Joe Exotic

#4. Stitt appointee Elliot Chambers recently resigned as the head of the Land Office after failing to disclose a suspicious relationship with which local investment group?
A: Derplahoma Inc. D: Swadley's Foggy Bottoms Investments B: Hefner Financial Group D: Victorum Capital

#5. Using pandemic funding that was intended for public education use, how many TVs did Oklahoma parents purchase as school supplies under a program overseen by Stitt appointee Ryan Walters?
A: 137 B: 274 C: 548 D: 1096

#6. Which Oklahoma town is home to the Oklahoma Pandemic Center for Innovation and Excellence ghost laboratory?
A: Beaver B: Hooker C. Stillwater D. Slapout

7. Lauded by Stitt's communications team, which Swadley's Foggy Bottom menu item was named after Stitt appointee Jerry Winchester?
A: Chicken Fried Steak B: Double Cheeseburger C: Fried Shrimp D: Sasquatch Balls

#8. Which local political pundit and commentator accepted a $10,000 payment from Epic Charter Schools that OSBI labeled "High Risk?"
A: Argus Hamilton B: Scott Mitchell C. Mike Turpin D: William F.P. "Tres" Archibald Savage Nottingham III

#9. Oklahoma lawmaker Terry O'Donnell was indicted in December 2020 for passing laws making it easier for his wife to acquire what type of business?
A. Marijuana Dispensary B . Liquor Store C. Tag Agency D. Vape Shop

#10. Stitt appointee Ryan Walters awarded what Florida tech company a lucrative no-bid state contract to distribute $8 million to families for "education supplies" with little government oversight?
A: Class Wallet B: Grift Hub C: Mardel D: Overstock

#11. Which Stitt crony – known for his role in multiple state scandals – is also an aspiring screenwriter?
A: David Chaney B: Gino DeMarco C: Matt Pinnell D. Brent Swadley

#12. Matt Stacy – an Oklahoma attorney who was recently indicted on 13 felonies related to his role in fraudulent medical marijuana operations – served what key role for Governor Stitt?
A. Covid Hospital Surge Advisor. B: Governor’s Council on Science and Innovation. C: Head of military intelligence for the Oklahoma Army National Guard. D. All of the Above
Here are the answers!
#1. Which Oklahoma City news channel broke the big story about Stitt and the Oklahoma Ruling Class's secret plans to build a new Governor's Mansion?
A: KFOR Channel 4
It resulted in an entertaining fued between KFOR reporter Ali Meyer and KWTV's Storme Jones.
#2. Which one of the following Oklahoma State Parks was never blessed with a Swadley's Foggy Bottom Kitchen?
B: Little Sahara
Although one was planned, the Tourism Department canceled that project after the full scope of the Swadleys Foggy Bottom Swindle was exposed.
#3. From 2014 to 2020, which Oklahoma politician accepted $52,000 in campaign donations from Epic Charter Schools conmen – almost double that of any other individual?
B: Joy Hofmeister
Epic donated to everyone, but you have to admit it's troubling that the person who oversaw public education in Oklahoma took the most money from the people who allegedly scammed $50-million+ from public education coffers.
#4. Stitt appointee Elliot Chambers recently resigned as the head of Land Office after failing to disclose a conflict of interest with which local investment group?
Chambers fired the agency's auditor after they asked him about the conflict of interest, and the "tens of thousands of dollars in management fees" the state has paid them over the past year.
#5. Using Federal pandemic funding that was intended for public education, how many TVs did Oklahoma parents buy as part of a program overseen by Stitt appointee Ryan Walters?
C: 548
They also bought power tools, kitchen appliances, smart watches, video game cabinets, and other things that are essential for a quality homeschool education.
#6. Which Oklahoma town is home to the Oklahoma Pandemic Center for Innovation and Excellence ghost laboratory?
C. Stillwater
You can learn more about it in this riveting podcast with Dr. George Monks, M.D.
#7. Lauded by Stitt's communications team, which Swadley's Foggy Bottom menu item was named after Stitt appointee Jerry Winchester?
B: Double Cheeseburger
It's a 10/10!
#8. Which local political pundit and commentator accepted a $10,000 payment from Epic Charter Schools that OSBI labeled "High Risk?"
B: Scott Mitchell
We're still waiting for him to explain why on News 9.
This is interesting. OSBI flagged a $10,000 payment from Epic conmen to @news9 political commentator @mitchelltalks as "high risk." I'm sure he'll be transparent and explain why on TV tomorrow morning. pic.twitter.com/kr0sqPJiZo
— The Lost Ogle (@TheLostOgle) June 25, 2022
#9. Oklahoma lawmaker Terry O'Donnell was indicted in late December 2021 for passing laws making it easier for his wife to acquire what type of business?
C. Tag Agency
He claims the charges were brought on by OKC "political operatives."
#10. Stitt appointee Ryan Walters awarded what Florida tech company a lucrative no-bid state contract to distribute $8 million to families for "education supplies" with little government oversight?
A: Class Wallet
He gave parents "blanket approval" to purchase any "school supply" (a.k.a. TV, power tool, etc) they wanted.
#11. Which Stitt crony – known for his role in multiple state scandals – is also an aspiring screenwriter?
B: Gino DeMarco
According to his bio at Coverfly, Gino is a "serial entrepreneur turned screenwriter, focused on telling stories of characters missing critical bits of information about their own past." As an apparent expert on government insider corruption, he also claims he would like to "write a remake of Chinatown or Body Heat," or even better "the next season of True Detective."
#12. Matt Stacy – an Oklahoma attorney who was recently indicted on 13 felonies related to his role in fraudulent medical marijuana operations – served what key role for Governor Stitt?
D: All of the Above
Give Stitt credit. He sure knows how to pick them!
How'd you do? If you got seven or more correct, you're a Junior Oklahoma auditor and should test your trivial knowledge at any Free Hoot Industries Trivia Night.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.