We have some breaking news to report!
Stitt's Education Bro Ryan Walters recorded one of his eye-roll-inducing videos... and didn't shoot it while in his car! He even found someone who loves saying dumb stuff as much as he does – Tulsa schoolboard member E’Lena Ashley – to appear in the video with him!
Check this out. It feels like an SNL skit come to life:
Im here at Tulsa Public Schools with an update with Board Member E’Lena Ashley. pic.twitter.com/imRPOSgwdX
— Secretary Ryan Walters (@sec_walters) June 20, 2022
I guess Ashley – a Tulsa school board member who feels like an OCPA plant – has been heavily trolling the LGBTQ crowd and Oklahoma public education system on social media, so Walters decided to show up to the board meeting to rally the right-wing brigade and show his support for his culture war ally.
According to this Ogle Mole Dispatch, which I'm publishing in its unedited [sic] entirety, it appears his plan failed miserably:
Have you been following this drama Ryan Baressi-Epic-Walters has been up to for the last few days?
Stitt’s Ed Bro felt threatened by the idea that some LGBT students and parents and even some teachers were going to show up at Monday night’s board meeting to plead that the board take inclusion training to make sure all students are welcomed in the second largest school district in the state.
It was something they were doing as a gay community mid-pride month. Walters sees the letters “LGBT” and immediately has a meltdown and calls them a “woke mob” about to take over at TPS’s Monday meeting.
The Tulsa County GOP and self-professed homophobic TPS board member L’ena Ashley take to social media to say she is being attacked by the woke and need reinforcements to come out and wear red, white, and blue (cause you know, homosexuals aren’t Americans just like anyone who speaks Spanish in public).
An hour before the meeting Walters posts on Facebook a video with Ashley saying he came up to Tulsa to support her and he and everyone was ready to fight.
Well, after two hours of general business, the board is ready to take public comments and not only does no one from the red, white, and blue side sign up to “bravely speak out against the woke”, Walters didn’t sign up to speak and didn’t say a word.
Who spoke?
One person about corruption. One person about keeping guns out of school, and six people who pleaded the board take the inclusion training. One of those speaking in favor didn’t even speak about LGBT inclusion, he asked the board for better sensitivity training for Latino students.
The only time we ever heard from those there to fight the woke was when some man with balls the size of raisins decided to boo a middle school student, and the board told him to get a life.
What was funny is that earlier in the meeting, Walters and his small dicked warriors said nothing when one board member openly talked about how honored she was to meet the creator of the 1619 project (you know, the ones behind that trigger phrase “critical race theory”).
Are they so stupid about what they are opposed to that they don’t even realize someone is rubbing it in their faces right in front of them?
This campaign stunt was a flop! Walters should be ashamed of himself, but he’s already sold himself to the highest bidder so shame no longer exists in that man… I mean… little bitch boy after Monday night.
He fought TPS and LOST BADLY!
That's badass. I'd like to thank the Ogle Mole for sending in this dispatch, and basically writing this entire article for me. It's awesome to have people out there to do my work for me for free! I don't know if everything they said is true, but it sure as hell sounds true, which is the only that matters in today's day and age. Plus, we can officially give Ryan the nickname Ryan Baressi-Epic-Walters.
Anyway, I guess it's not a big surprise the Walters chickened out to stand up to the woke mob. He seems like one of those "all talk" twerps who only feel comfortable speaking into a camera while sitting in a car.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.