Earlier this week, OKC Deputy Police Chief Paco Balderrama – the Emily Sutton of the Oklahoma City law enforcement scene – was named the new Police Chief of the Fresno (Ca.) Police Department.
The news comes as a shock to local TV news viewers across the metro who had been charmed by Paco's good looks and calm demeanor from back when he was the police department's PIO. It especially rattled the Nichols Hills housewives scene, who always looked forward to seeing Paco on the news while day drinking wine spritzers on their patios.
In fact, back in 2014, he was the first – and I believe only – metro man to be named in our short-lived and experimental Hot Dude Monday series.
Here's what Louis Fowler had to say at the time:
"With his glistening biceps and triceps that threaten to break free of those tight grey polyester sleeves, like a cross between a mighty Aztec Warrior and an angry Bruce Banner, Balderrama has been welcomed back to Oklahoma City news screens throughout this past month with open arms; whether it be identifying suspects in a feisty weekend shootout or (I imagine) chopping wood shirtless in his rural cabin in the Arbuckles, he’s reinvigorated and reignited the public’s imagination as to what cologne his neck must smell like or what it’s like to be his best friend."
You can check out the whole thing here if you want. If we get five new TLO Members enrolled today, I'll place the article outside the paywall so everyone, including Paco, can read it and cry.
Lots of people are wondering if there are any outside or political reasons as to why Paco left. I'm sure there could be, but I doubt it. Paco seems to be very well-liked both inside and outside the police office, and this does seem to be a good career move. Fresno is a tad smaller than OKC, but he gets to be the chief! Even if you're a Libertarian, you have to admit it would be fun to be that powerful for a day. Plus, he's going to make $220,000 a year and gets to move out of Oklahoma! I know Fresno isn't Sunset Boulevard, but I'd take it in a heartbeat.