Earlier this month, Canadian County Sheriff Chris West held his first new member orientation training for the Piedmont chapter of the unregulated volunteer police force that he's calling a "Posse."
Here are details of via The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette:
Canadian County Sheriff Chris West is forming a citizens posse and county residents recently met in Piedmont.
West and potential posse members met for training on Saturday, Oct. 3.
There were about 40 people who attended the orientation, West said.
“I’m really excited about the unlimited potential of the posse and I believe the sky is the limit when people volunteer to help one another,” West said.
The newspaper actually shared a photo of the volunteers on its currently-offline website. Not surprisingly, 97% of the new recruits are white male gun owners who sport a wide variety of facial hair, Oakley-knockoff sunglasses, and designer Walmart denim. Basically, the group looks a lot like your typical Oklahoma gun show crowd!
Check it out:

Well, I guess we know why there wasn't a wait at Twin Peaks on Saturday! All the customers were at Posse Orientation Training!
Here's a closer look at the new recruits. Any guess on which one is the undercover FBI agent? There has to be at least one, right?

I don't know about you, but it's disappointing that we didn't get at least one recruit to flash the okay sign. I was also expecting more Hawaiian shirts. I know it was the first meeting and everything, so people were a bit nervous, but these posse members really need to step up their game if they want to be treated seriously by their friends in other alt-right militia groups.
Anyway, if you're an authoritarian white guy with a goatee and missed your chance to join the Piedmont Chapter of the posse, don't worry – there other plenty of opportunities to join. They'll be a meeting in El Reno on Oct. 18, and one in Mustang on Oct. 24. For more details, hit up Sheriff West on Facebook and tell him we sent you. Based on the header graphic he uses on his Facebook page, he's a big TLO fan.
(Editor's Note: Yes, we're aware there's something buggy with the comments. We're working on a fix.)