Welcome back to our retrospective of another year in Oklahoma, as told through the lens of your favorite local obscure social blog, The Lost Ogle! Before we jump into the futuristic and dystopian year that 2020 will most assuredly turn out to be, let’s take a deep breathe and remember our funniest, wildest, and most popular stories of this year. The news cycle is moving so fast that it’s impossible to remember what happened last week, let alone last month.
Let’s get to it!

7 Things We Need to Name After Russell Westbrook RIGHT NOW
Published: July 12, 2019
What We Said: Like most people who were born and raised in Oklahoma City, own Thunder season tickets and try to watch every game on TV, I am a Russell Westbrook fan. Although he could be frustrating to watch at times, he was a spectacular player, good dude, and not a soft turncoat who took the easy way out and sabotaged the franchise. His MVP season was an incredible joy to watch. I appreciate everything he’s done for Oklahoma City and wish him the best of luck in Houston with the guy we should have probably kept over him – James Harden.
What We Learned: There's not a lot of interesting things in OKC that need new names, other than roads and high schools that were dedicated to old white racist dudes. But Westbrook fought for our city, gave us so many fun highlights and turnovers, and he is always welcome back here as a beloved sports hero.

Published: July 11, 2019
What We Said: Last night, KFOR reported that the Back to the Future III cosplayers pictured above – Stephen “Doc” Jennings and Rachel Rivera-McFly – were caught driving a stolen vehicle in Guthrie that had a rattlesnake, uranium, pistol and open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe inside. Basically, it was your typical rural Oklahoma traffic stop.
What We Learned: If you're gonna steal a car, you might as well wild out and just bring along everything that could possibly land you with federal charges. These brave car thieves never made it to 88 mph, but hopefully they can make it happen when they get out of the clink.

OKC Twitterati attacks TLO for pointing out cost of Kings of Leon concert…
Published: July 1, 2019
What We Said: When I woke up the following morning, opinionated trolls from all across the OKC Twitter spectrum responded with a barrage of snide comments, memes, jeers and insults. For some reason, I guess they interpreted my tweet that simply asked for more information about the cost of a sunshiny, feel-good concert that came with a comically absurd price tag as insinuation that people shouldn’t be paid…
What We Learned: Even though Twitter seemingly exists purely to criticize everything underneath the lord's burning sun, Oklahoma City still has the same back-patting 'YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB!' sycophancy where if you raise a simple question about anything, everyone gets mad at you. RIP to Steve Lackmeyer's mentions after the Peach Bowl.

Wayne Coyne has online temper tantrum over bad Braum’s experience…
Published: July 2, 2019
What We Said: I always say, the easiest way to find out if someone is a true Oklahoman is to ask them to rate their worst Braum’s moments. If they can’t instantly fire off three of them, they’re an imposter. Having a nightmare experience at Braum’s is a local rite of passage — like singing the BC Clark Jingle or being filmed by the Video Vigilante.
What We Learned: Maybe fatherhood has brought Wayne back down to earth, but complaining about Braum's on social media is the most humble move we've seen from him in like a decade. Hopefully, he can track down Ronald Jones and make another album that I would listen to more than once.

10 Things I learned as a camper at Falls Creek
Published: July 22, 2019
What We Said: At first, I thought the songs accompanying the Falls Creek nightly services were 20-25 minutes long. Then I realized that the praise band was actually playing 4-5 songs in the same key without a break. To this day I think most of those songs even had the same lyrics. But in their defense, how much lyrical material do you have to work with as a “praise” band?
What We Learned: If you didn't catch an STD or become involved with a pregnancy or at least try the devil's pot for the first time, did you really go to Falls Creek?