On this week’s episode of The Lost Ogle Show presented by "Haunt the Zoo: All Grown Up," Patrick and I chat with super librarian Judie Matthews and TLO contributor Lucas Dunn, the hosts of the soon-to-launch Free Queso podcast.
In this amazing episode, we talk all things Great State Fair of Oklahoma, including:
Lucas and Judie's report on 2019 Fair food, 4H comps and artwork
Our Most Traumatic State Fair Memories (They Involve Blood)
How Patrick will serve Donald Trump after the next American civil war
You can follow Judie Matthews on Twitter as @JudieGanul, and Lucas Dunn as @FernetBroncho. You can find Marisa at MarisaMohi.com, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram as @theMarisaMohi. Patrick (@OKCPatrick) has finally realized that I, too, make typos, and he's going through the archives trying to correct them all.