It looks like we have a winner in our 2019 "Who Will Be The Next Oklahoma Lawmaker to Get a DUI" Fantasy Pool!
On Friday night, freshman State Rep. Dean Davis – a Republican from Claremore – continued the fine Oklahoma legislative tradition of swerving around town drunk in an automobile. Unlike most of his colleagues, he was not only caught, but arrested.
Via The Tulsa World:
A Tulsa-area state representative was arrested on a DUI complaint in Broken Arrow after he reportedly resisted arrest Friday night.
A 911 caller reported a driver straddling lanes and going left of center in the 4800 block of South Aspen Avenue about 9:40 p.m.
Police stopped a driver, later identified as Dean Fenton Davis, speeding and maneuvering left of center in the 7900 block, an arrest report states...
He was driving 54 mph in a 40 mph zone and left of center when officers stopped him, and he smelled of alcohol, the report states.
When asked, Davis told officers he was coming from “a friend’s house” and said he had had “a couple” of drinks, the report states.
Yep, he went with the old "I had a couple of drinks at a friend's house" excuse. In sober talk, I believe that translates to "I had five beers, a half-pint of Jack and a couple hits off the joint my friend's younger brother brought over." Seriously, cops buy "I just had a few drinks" as much as your girlfriend does "I forgot to reply to your text because I was driving." Instead, tell the cops you've only had beer and will take the backroads home. Then they'll be very forgiving!
Instead of that, Dean doubled down on the stupid and asked the cops to call the police chief:
Asked to step out of the car for a field sobriety test, “Davis looked up at (the officer) and stated ‘Do I have to call your police chief?’ ” the report states.
Officers observed several cues of drunkenness, including a loss of balance and nystagmus, a vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements, and attempted to arrest Davis.
An officer told Davis to place his hands behind his back, but Davis said “I think you need to call your Police Chief,” and “continued to resist arrest” until two officers put him against his car and locked him in handcuffs, the report states.
This fool doesn't know proper police protocol. You offer to bribe the officers first, and only if they decline do you ask to speak to their manager. Here's a statement Dean gave to the media:
“I am embarrassed by this situation and deeply sorry to my family, community, and colleagues. There are aspects of this matter I intend to address in court, but I understand the very appearance of impropriety is unacceptable, and apologize for putting myself in this position. My role as a legislator carries the responsibly to lead by example, and in this case, I should have done better in that regard. I will ensure this does not happen again while working through the due process of the justice system.” – Rep. Dean Davis, R-Broken Arrow
Yeah, the guy who isn't responsible enough to catch the wrong use of "responsibly" when proofing* his statement to the media will not let this happen again. Basically, he's a good person to select in your next "Who Will Be The Next Oklahoma Lawmaker to Assault an Uber Driver" Fantasy Pool!
* TLO Typo Hypocrisy Disclaimer