Give Oklahoma hoodlums credit. They know how to deliver a good headline.
Last night, KFOR reported that the Back to the Future III cosplayers pictured above – Stephen "Doc" Jennings and Rachel Rivera-McFly – were caught driving a stolen vehicle in Guthrie that had a rattlesnake, uranium, pistol and open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe inside. Basically, it was your typical rural Oklahoma traffic stop.
Here are the details via KFOR:
Two people were arrested after a traffic stop of a stolen car revealed the two had a rattlesnake, radioactive uranium, and an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe...
The traffic stop was made at 11 a.m. in a Guthrie neighborhood because the tag was expired. Jennings was in the driver's seat, Rivera in the passenger seat, and in the backseat, a pet Timber rattlesnake in a terrarium...
Police also found an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe next to the gun. To top it all off, a search of the vehicle revealed a canister of radioactive powdered uranium.
Okay Biff, before you leave an angry comment, yes, I'm aware the time machine in Back to the Future ran off plutonium, but...
A) It's hard for Libyan terrorists to make it to Oklahoma thanks to Trump's travel ban, and
B) As long as you adjust the modulation settings on the Flux Capacitor and re-calibrate the nuclear reactor, uranium is a suitable substitute for any modern time machine.
Here's what the cops had to say about the uranium:
"When that happens of course, we call in a company that deals with that specifically and it's taken safely into possession," Sgt. Gibbs said. "The uranium is the wild card in that situation."
The uranium hasn't resulted in charges. Guthrie police are still trying to figure out exactly what the suspects were going to use it for. There are no charges from the rattlesnake either.
"It happens to be rattlesnake season at the time, so he can be in possession of this rattlesnake because he has a valid lifetime hunting and fishing license," Sgt. Gibbs said.
Oklahoma has its faults, but at least you can drive around with a rattlesnake in the back seat and canister of uranium in your cup holder and not violate any laws. We're like the Wild West, I guess.